How To Block Upgrade To Windows 10 Spring Creators Update

April 9, 2018

The Windows 10 Spring Creators Update is right around the corner, with buzz among the bees that Microsoft may release this new version tomorrow, April 10.

Of course, nothing official yet. But what we do know is that Redmond has almost finished development work on this major new upgrade for its OS, and made the RTM builds available for download in the Fast, Slow, and Release Preview rings of the Windows Insider Program.

It’s coming, alright!

And while there are tons of reasons to upgrade to this new variant of the operating system, doing so on day one may be a risky process for some users — particularly professionals and power users that rely on their systems to work day in and day out.

It is not uncommon for major launches like these to cause issues with software, even hardware peripherals. That is why Microsoft rolls out these new versions in stages. This allows the company enough time to iron out any bugs and issues that users experience.

However, if you don’t want to take the risk, there are ways to block the upgrade to the Windows 10 Spring Creators Update.

The first of this involves the dedicated option that Microsoft offers on Windows 10 Pro systems, called deferring updates. Point your system to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Advanced options and then the Choose when updates are installed section.

Settings Defer Windows Updates

Here you can choose anywhere between 1 to 365 days, while 0 days would mean Windows 10 would attempt to upgrade as soon as it is offered a new version.

Anyway, since this requires you to be running Windows 10 Pro, there is an even better option for users of the other variants of the OS. One that is more helpful, in that it also helps save storage space.

Simply set your connection to metered by going to Setting > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi and selecting your Internet connection and then toggling the On switch under Metered connection.

Settings Metered Connection

This particular setting is aimed at users that are on a limited data plan and don’t want to run out of their data or incur additional costs by having Windows 10 Spring Creators Update be downloaded in the background.

Of course, once you are ready to make the jump turn off these settings and start the installation.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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