Step 1: Download Windows 8 The developer preview is available for download at Microsoft has released three editions of Windows 8 Developer Preview.
- Windows 8 Developer Preview with developer tools x64 (English)
- Windows 8 Developer Preview x64 (English)
- Windows 8 Developer Preview x86 (English)

- Set the regional settings with the attributes Language, Time and Currency format and Keyboard format.

- If this is a fresh installation, there is no need to repair anything and as such, you can proceed directly with the installation.

- It is strongly recommended that you read the terms and conditions imposed by Microsoft and agree to comply with them by clicking on “I accept the license terms”.

- The custom install option is to be selected since you will be installing a fresh copy of Windows.

- Select the disk or primary partition where you want to install Windows 8 and the installation begins on a screen that resembles Windows 7.

- Enter a name for your computer and click Next.

- Windows update, Firewall, Defender and Microsoft’s Customer Improvement Program request permission to send/receive data over the internet. Use express settings if you want to enable them or you can Customize them.

- Windows 8 is integrated with Windows Live and as such, you can login any computer with your Windows Live ID and your settings will be retained across computers. If internet is currently unavailable, you can choose to create a local Windows Live account.

- Finally, all your settings have been saved and you will be redirected to the Start screen in Windows 8.
- Create a new virtual machine by clicking on New and enter its name.
- Select “Other Windows” to specify the operating system.
- Enter at least 2GB for memory since 64-bit version requires that much space.
- Create a virtual hard drive file with .VDI extension to select the disk on which Windows 8 will be installed.
- For a 64-bit version, Microsoft recommends 20 GB as the minimal hard disk capacity.
- Create the virtual disk by clicking on create.
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All Comments
I dont know alot about computer, but I was wondering how do u delete windows 8 in a virtual machine.
You basically delete it by either deleting the hard-drive within the settings for the application (VirtualBox, Windows Virtual Machine, etc) that you’re running the VM in, or overwriting it with another Operating System within the virtual machine itself, ie. Windows 7.