IDC Again Bashes Lack Of A Start Button In Windows 8

April 11, 2013

Oh boy, just when we thought the Start button controversy was behind us, another report pops up laying the blame for slow sales solely on the Windows 8 Start Screen.

Research firm IDC believes that the lack of a Start button in Windows 8 is one of the reasons the new operating system is termed unappealing. It just put out a new report detailing the PC hardware industry, and again blamed Windows 8 for this decline.

Analyst Bob O’Donell had this to say:

“While some consumers appreciate the new form factors and touch capabilities of Windows 8, the radical changes to the UI, removal of the familiar Start button, and the costs associated with touch have made PCs a less attractive alternative to dedicated tablets and other competitive devices. Microsoft will have to make some very tough decisions moving forward if it wants to help reinvigorate the PC market.”

IDC explains that the Start Screen remains one of the major reasons why people stay away from Windows 8, leading to a decline in sales of not just the new operating system but also PC hardware.

For better or for worse, those still hoping to see an official Start button making an appearance on Windows sometime in the future are set to be left disappointed.

Microsoft has already expressed its intention to solely and solemnly focus its attention on the Start Screen. The upcoming update to the OS, Windows Blue, brings plenty of improvements but only minor UI changes.

The future may be bright — but the future also is Start Screen.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • From what I know, stores(including online) are still selling win7 pc. So if a customer wants to buy a pc, they are not forced to buy win8. Also, we just heard that there are not enough touch enabled pc available for win8. People mostly can only buy non-touch enabled pc and the cost of touch screen doesn’t affect their decision. The major reason is probably because people choose to spend money on tablets and smartphones because those are the one they lack in their home. Most people have at least 1 or 2 pcs at home and are not in a hurry to upgrade.

    WillyThePooh April 11, 2013 5:43 am Reply
  • My current computer is fine. I built it a few years ago, It’s run the last three operating systems without a hitch. I maxed the memory when it was cheap, installed an SSD a year ago, and also upgraded the video a year ago to a fancier upper mid-range. This will still be a great computer to pass to somebody else as I have that gnawing desire to build something new and better. If somebody would make a multi-touch monitor with resolution equal to my 4 year old Samsung 24 inch, the money would be flying out of my pocket. Microsoft didn’t pull Windows 8 out of a hat with a surprise and flourish; it’s really a 2 year old operating system when you count the previews and betas. I lay the blame for drastically declining sales fully upon hardware manufacturers for their absolutely uninspired products.

    Misterbear Fapp April 11, 2013 4:01 pm Reply
  • IDC’s retards

    Robert Trance April 12, 2013 11:25 am Reply
  • Get over it people. I didn’t like the new screen at first myself, but I got used to it. Metro was never the real problem. It was really the execution of it. Microsoft should have made it easier for people to see as almost like the desktop and start menu. There are probably too many tiles by default for the average user. The average person just wants IE, E-mail, and Media player, and a list of all the programs on the compuer aka the start menu. It would be better if they had sets of tiles just like the Control Panel in 7 and XP had a grouped view and classic view. Windows phone isn’t overloaded with tiles. I think it it had only the things you use most from Windows 7, people would feel better about it: Computer, IE, E-mail, Settings, All Applications(or all Programs), Shut Down, Log Off, a back button for every screen etc. People don’t like to have to figure stuff out.

    Ray C April 16, 2013 2:23 pm Reply

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