IE 10 Increases Its Market Share In July, Is Now At 15.36%

August 1, 2013

Net Applications is one of the premier market research firms around when it comes to operating system and web browser statistics.  Its data is based on monitoring around 40,000 websites that serve no less than 160 million unique visitors each month.

And the firm has just rolled out its browser statistics for the month of July.

The latest version of Microsoft’s flagship browser has witnessed steady growth lately, but the surge seems to be slowing down lately. And with Internet Explorer 11 on the horizon, chances are that it will start losing steam — as the upcoming browser is on track to land on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

In the meantime, however, IE 10 has strengthened its second position amongst the various versions of Internet Explorer.

IE 8, however, is still out of sight, as the earlier version managed to grab around 0.85 percentage points in July, making it the most popular version of Microsoft’s web browser. Internet Explorer 8 now accounts for 23.52 percent of the market.

While IE 10 and IE 8 posted positive numbers, Internet Explorer 9 declined by 2.02 percentage points. This has meant that this version has now dipped below the 10 percent market — it now has a 9.69 percent share of the market.

For the past few years, Microsoft has had a bit of a tough time when it comes to moving users away from the older flavors of Internet Explorer. The software titan continues to urge users to adopt newer version of IE more quickly, as older versions come with an increased security risk.

And still, while the aging IE 7 and IE 6 versions of the browser have lost ground recently, they still make up 1.56 percent and 6.10 percent of the market respectively.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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