Insiders get a taste of Android apps running on Windows 11

October 20, 2021

Today be the day! Windows Insiders are in for a treat shortly, as Microsoft has finally announced the public preview of Android app on Windows 11 that is now available for a select few.

Those select few being Insiders enrolled in the Beta channel over in the United States.

Dev channel Insiders are currently not invited to the public preview of this highly anticipated feature, but the team has confirmed that they will get access to Android apps support sometimes in the very near future.

To get started, there are a few things you will need to ensure.

First, and most obvious, is that your PC needs to be on Windows 11 and build series 22000. Meeting hardware requirements is a must, of course, and you may also need to enable virtualization in the BIOS/UEFI settings of your device.

You will also need to be in the Beta channel of the Windows Insider Program, naturally.

Amazon Appstore Preview

Then comes the part where the region of your PC must be set to US, and you will also need to have a US based Amazon account to use the Amazon Appstore.

The blog post directs to a Microsoft Store link that will guide you through the steps to verify if your device meets the minimum system requirements. You will then be able to set up your environment and discover the Android apps and games that are available for download.

This link is currently not active, being listed as coming soon.

Microsoft also notes that the version of Windows Subsystem for Android that is being released today is version 1.7.32815.0, and updates for this feature will be automatic. The Amazon Appstore will automatically launch after restart if your computer requires a restart.

That this follows the publishing of the developer guidelines for WSA earlier in the day means that things are progressing well.

We are very near the launch of this most in demand feature.

Article Categories:
Android · Apps · Featured · Features · Insiders · Launch

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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