Internet Explorer Still Ahead Of Firefox And Chrome

April 1, 2013

There are some things in life that stay (mostly) the same. The browser market is one such area where Microsoft’s browsers have been ruling the roost for a fair while now, even in face of tough competition.

The latest numbers confirm that Internet Explorer still retains its spot as the number one browser in the world, but it is not version 10 of the browser that is topping the rankings.

Newest statistics by Net Applications for March 2013 show that Inter Explorer 8 managed to hold onto its premier position last month, as it ended it with a market share of 23.23 percent.

Internet Explorer 9 came in second at 20.62 percent.

Mozilla’s effort recorded a market share of 13.55 percent, barely ahead of Google Chrome that ended the month at 13.42 percent. Too close for comfort, agreed.

One version of Internet Explorer that still remains (rather shockingly) popular is Internet Explorer 6. The statistics above show that it still commands a share of 6.21 of the pie — almost half as much as both Chrome and Firefox.

Internet Explorer 6, as you may be aware, is the 11-year-old browser for an 11-year-old operating system that goes by the name of Windows XP.

The latest version of Microsoft’s browser, Internet Explorer 10, is still far, far away at 2.93 percent.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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