Is Microsoft Secretly Working On The Surface Mini?

June 2, 2014

story has Rhoda Alexander, an IHS Technology analyst saying that orders for small displays skyrocketed to the highs of 100,000 units between March and April 2014. Sure, this is not a direct indication that Redmond is ready to release the Surface Mini in the near future, but there are voices that claim that the software titan is waiting for the touch versions of its Office productivity suite to hit the market before unveiling the new tablet. Microsoft is yet to talk about in any sold capacity about the Surface Mini, though company executives have hinted that they want to expand the tablet lineup with new models.]]>

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Satya Nadella

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Hopefully they will make some improvements to it to make it more like the SP3, maybe adding that type of kickstand or writing ability.

    Ray C June 2, 2014 11:48 am Reply
  • I thought they produced a good amount of tablets and then just cancelled. Either that means the tablets were bad and they just cut their losses, OR they are just waiting to send them out at a later time. I’m leaning towards the latter.

    Jake June 2, 2014 1:18 pm Reply

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