It begins – Windows Blue is now dubbed Windows 8’s Failure – Financial Times

May 7, 2013

We knew this would happen and I’m surprised it’s taken that long.

In a pretty scathing piece on the Financial Times website, the F word was publicly associated with Windows 8.

The piece begins:

Microsoft is preparing to reverse course over key elements of its Windows 8 operating system, marking one of the most prominent admissions of failure for a new mass-market consumer product since Coca-Cola’s New Coke fiasco nearly 30 years ago.

The article (written by Richard Waters) makes the obvious point that if Windows Blue/Windows 8.1 turns out to be substantial reversals of Windows 8, Windows 8 will logically have been a failure.

The Windows 8 experiment is now being compared to Coca-Cola’s failed experiment with “New Coke”.

What do you all think? Is this too soon to call Windows 8 a failure?

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Windows Blue News

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Win 8 a failure? Absolutely not! Richard Waters opinion bias? Absolutely!

    DCJason May 7, 2013 6:43 pm Reply
  • I love Windows 8 but here’s another, more revolutionary thought: What if Microsoft had done away with the desktop altogether and just given us the Start screen, with the ability, though, to close apps/programs? That would have been a courageous but more honest action and put Micrsoft in the vanguard of change, where they started out with Windows 95.

    KeithE May 7, 2013 7:10 pm Reply
    • I agree. Why does the desktop exist and why weren’t the Windows control programs updated? Control Panel, File Explorer??

      David May 7, 2013 7:19 pm Reply
    • Because the majority of us are NOT interested in an interface designed for a touch-screen.

      Lee Keels May 8, 2013 3:45 pm Reply
    • I have Windows 8 without a touch screen and it works perfectly. Every program works fine. Control panel and file explorer are there just as before. Anyone with about 1-5 minutes in a store looking at Windows 8 can be shown the few differences. The start button is not shown as an icon seems to be the biggest complaint. If a person can move there mouse pointer to where is was or operate the Windows key has the same as the old icon method. Instead of a list the programs are in a tile format. It is much faster than Windows 7 and yes I have the full install on a PC that was previously running Windows 7 so it is faster on the exact same hardware.

      Bart May 8, 2013 10:49 pm Reply
  • I actually like my Win8 tablet, but I was on the very first Windows Beta team WAAAAY back when, you want to talk about bad…we have come a long way!!

    FJ Eichinger May 7, 2013 7:14 pm Reply
  • I don’t like windoes 8 for desktop but might be they will get over in the tablet world, with all the low graphics demand of onscreen display there.

    Thomas Lloyd May 7, 2013 7:18 pm Reply
  • I’ve downloaded all versions of Windows 8 since its inception so I’ve been using quite some time, over a year. I’ll grant you it’s completely different but once you’re used to it, I think it’s great. I like it a lot. Did they rush it to production? Possibly, but all it can do is get better.

    rosco_t May 7, 2013 7:20 pm Reply
  • I would call it Microsoft listening to its Customers. Now if they had not taken just a hard line on some of the issues that it appears it is now back-pedaling on, it would have less “egg on the face.” But better to be embarrassed than out of business. Even Coke is still the market leader today in soft drinks. Gotta know when to fish and when to cut bait … and when to use a new lure to get the profits in. I think it is a smart move that should have been done sooner.

    Rug Ratz May 7, 2013 7:21 pm Reply
  • Right up to Win 98, successes. Millenium fail. XP success. Vista fail. Win 7 success. Win 8 fail.

    It’s all a matter of how well a product sells – not how much you as an individual genuinely like a thing. There’s no point in being personally enthusiastic or biased for or against a product, it’s all about how much cash profit it generates for the producer/seller.

    ac492 May 7, 2013 7:23 pm Reply
    • yeah , u can say as a fail in terms of sales , but look wht u said milleniium fail which led to xp , vista fail that led to win 7 . wind 8 consider a fail . but see it as a transition from one thing to another .. u expect if there was no metro thing in win 8 , the sales would grow , there also people would have said no change stick to 7 , so windows is long term transition to something better which we will see in future.

      Raynor Schiene May 7, 2013 7:35 pm Reply
      • Yep, I don’t disagree. However, a good analogy would be stepping stones. If a stepping stone does what I, as a user require of it, it doesn’t wobble and I naturally move on to the next (good) stepping stone, so I don’t get a ducking and start cursing the quality of a wobbly stepping stone.

        But there’s been a lot of cursing in relation to Microsoft’s ‘stepping stones’. And that’s because the consumers have had to stump up their hard earned to pay for wobbly transitional stepping stones before they get to something good…

        ac492 May 7, 2013 10:45 pm Reply
    • Millenium was designed to get hw/sw companies to create wmd drivers for Microsofts newer os’s coming out. Then came windows 2000 which imo was solid followed by xp.

      Maurice Green May 7, 2013 10:19 pm Reply
    • Millenium was made for consumer use only which was its downfall. Vista was the new look. Win 7 took the same look as Vista with a few adjustments and people got used to it. Win 8 has another new look so it is taking people time to adjust. As people replace their PC and get Win 8 they will like it.

      Bart May 8, 2013 10:56 pm Reply
      • As people gradually replace their pc’s – which is happening on a much smaller scale right now – Microsoft will be moving on to a new iteration of Windows (8.1 or Blue or whatever). An action which will be described as ‘responding to the needs of their customers’. Some people will agree that Microsoft are ‘listening and responding’, others might reasonably point out that the format HAD to be changed as the existing one wasn’t selling…

        One may well question that had Microsoft REALLY been listening to their customers before they went full-tilt into the touch-screen friendly format of Win 8 they wouldn’t have turned their back on the vast majority of pc users who still sit at a desk and use a keyboard and mouse, whether for work or leisure.

        Microsoft miscalculated on the willingness of existing users to shell out and adopt a new system that didn’t really match desktop users needs. They also miscalculated on the numbers of new customers prepared to purchase emasculated touch-screen devices running RT. Probably heads have already rolled…

        ac492 May 9, 2013 9:05 am Reply
  • Right up to Win 98, successes. Millenium fail. XP success. Vista fail. Win 7 success. Win 8 fail.
    It’s all a matter of how well a product sells – not how much you as an individual genuinely like a thing. There’s no point in being personally enthusiastic or biased for or against a product, it’s all about how much cash profit it generates for the producer/seller.

    ac492 May 7, 2013 7:23 pm Reply
  • yes windows 8 is not for me . I do not like it at all need much work I have windows 7 and it has been the best so far I think

    Mark May 7, 2013 7:32 pm Reply
  • A failure in the same sense as Vista, yes, but in the longer term a stepping stone to hopefully something that better suits both the desktop and portable devices. It already works well on both once you know how, but consumers have been unable to get beyond the initial surprise. Who can blame them if they’ve been using XP for years.

    Ian Haynes May 7, 2013 7:43 pm Reply
  • Windows 8 is great, and Microsoft is just being humble enough to listen to their customers, there’s nothing wrong about that. They do something, they get feedback, they change it, and that’s how it’s supposed to be in the first place. Hope M$ guys are not reading all these shitty predictions about them everywhere, they just don’t deserve it.

    Cicero Silva Luiz Junior May 7, 2013 7:58 pm Reply
  • Well if failure means you also buy my product (Win 7), then we can only say “qualified failure”…

    Ben May 7, 2013 8:05 pm Reply
    • The desktop looks and acts exactly like Win 7 so what is wrong with that? People are hung up on the start icon but what programs don’t work. I never see comments of any applications not working or in need of an upgrade.

      Bart May 8, 2013 11:00 pm Reply
  • I believe they are absolutely correct when calling Windows 8 a failure. If Microsoft doesn’t include a classic start menu (Such as that in WIndows 7) this makes Windows 8 almost completely useless without a touchscreen as the interface is not user friendly even though I tried to get to understand the interface and get everything to work properly. I know what I am doing with Windows devices as I am an IT person with windows certs but windows 8 is much more cumbersome and therefore making it a failure in the business world.

    DBrito May 7, 2013 8:10 pm Reply
    • When Window 7 came out many people changed to the classic menu but over time most don’t bother anymore. A touch screen is not needed but is an option for those who want it. On a desktop PC most won’t use the touchscreen much over time. It is great that it is there for the exact same OS as on a tablet instead of deciding on which version to purchase.

      Bart May 8, 2013 11:05 pm Reply
  • After trying Windows 8 and to paraphrase the late Charlton Heston,”From my cold dead computer, they will have to prise my Windows 7″

    John Heggart May 7, 2013 8:21 pm Reply
  • Absolutely NOT, we don’t even know for sure what will be reversed or adapted, Windows 8’s primary target are the consumers and Microsoft is really listening to them. A lot of people are going crazy with anticipation. Microsoft can and will deliver the best experience for mobile and desktop.

    Carlos William May 7, 2013 8:41 pm Reply
  • yeah. there’s allways been Windows haters..don’t understand those people, if you don’t like Windows, use the fuckin’ Linux…what’s the problem..?

    koko bill May 7, 2013 8:54 pm Reply
    • hey kookoo bill. the vulgarity in your comment was absolutely unnecessary and should not have been allowed. you may love the vulgar stuff. however, more people do not

      Richard Leroy Amerson May 19, 2013 7:59 pm Reply
      • what vulgarity are you talking about…don’t be funny…hypocrit rather….it’s just a figure of speech…I’m sick of comments spiting on something with no arguments at all…sorry I hurt your feelings…MR. Clean&Strait…..if you don’t like Windows (or whatever), it’s your problem, why complaining me…that was my point..glad I have your attantion, even like this…stay cool….enjoy Linux, fine with me…and, by the way…who are You to teach others lessons…who are you to judge what’s vulgar and what’s not…!!!…shoot the first stone on me…!!!

        koko bill May 20, 2013 6:15 pm Reply
  • Hopefully,
    change will reflect windows server 2012 also, because it’s nightmare to use
    windows 8 touchscreen UI on server machine.

    Hrvoje Adamek May 7, 2013 9:23 pm Reply
  • I know too many friends who have moved to Win8 and are glad they did for it to be designated a failure. I find it to be a nice improvement over Win7 as well. And, since 8.1 has not been released, it may simply be a standard upgrade after getting feedback from users. Not an unusual approach to building software.

    Tricio May 7, 2013 9:24 pm Reply
  • I don’t think that Windows 8 is a failure at all. People seem to love black and white terms. I think Windows 8 is a HUGE step in the right direction. That said, I think MS missed the mark on a few things. For example: people usually work in EITHER desktop mode or tablet mode, but not typically both at the same time. So it makes sense, that if you’re in the desktop, you should be able to do everything in the desktop. If you’re in interface formerly known as Metro mode, you should be able to do everything there. Having some elements force you into the other mode for no apparent reason is cumbersome.

    Oddly enough, I really don’t mind that for the Start screen – but it certainly bugs me for other stuff. For example: I hate that, by default, viewing a PDF from the desktop forces me to look at it in Metro and that I have to jump into the desktop from Metro to change many settings. I want one or the other. Rarely do I want both at the same time.

    At the end of the day, it’s all about user choice. Windows 8 was supposed to be about no compromises. If that’s true, then it shouldn’t force me to compromise so much. Let me use the OS the way I want to use it. Don’t make that decision for me.

    John Groft May 7, 2013 9:28 pm Reply
    • The majority of your time will still be in the desktop. You could do the same as in Win 7 create an icon on the desktop for the applications you want there or a new toolbar.

      For the PDF viewer you didn’t have one in Win 7 so most people used the Adobe Reader it is free and works the same.

      Some of the new apps are very good that come built in. I like the news app. There are tons more in the Store. Try some and enjoy.

      Bart May 8, 2013 11:23 pm Reply
  • I don’t think that Windows 8 is a failure at all. People seem to love black and white terms. I think Windows 8 is a HUGE step in the right direction. That said, I think MS missed the mark on a few things. For example: people usually work in EITHER desktop mode or tablet mode, but not typically both at the same time. So it makes sense, that if you’re in the desktop, you should be able to do everything in the desktop. If you’re in interface formerly known as Metro mode, you should be able to do everything there. Having some elements force you into the other mode for no apparent reason is cumbersome.
    Oddly enough, I really don’t mind that for the Start screen – but it certainly bugs me for other stuff. For example: I hate that, by default, viewing a PDF from the desktop forces me to look at it in Metro and that I have to jump into the desktop from Metro to change many settings. I want one or the other. Rarely do I want both at the same time.
    At the end of the day, it’s all about user choice. Windows 8 was supposed to be about no compromises. If that’s true, then it shouldn’t force me to compromise so much. Let me use the OS the way I want to use it. Don’t make that decision for me.

    John Groft May 7, 2013 9:28 pm Reply
    • The majority of your time will still be in the desktop. You could do the same as in Win 7 create an icon on the desktop for the applications you want there or a new toolbar.
      For the PDF viewer you didn’t have one in Win 7 so most people used the Adobe Reader it is free and works the same.
      Some of the new apps are very good that come built in. I like the news app. There are tons more in the Store. Try some and enjoy.

      Bart May 8, 2013 11:23 pm Reply
  • It will be a failure if it does make the needed improvements. If I look back at all previous Windows versions, I would never deploy the initial release version. Am I supposed to call Windows 7 without SP1 a failure because I will never deploy it without the service pack? No, Windows 7 SP1 was expected, so is Windows 8.1. Sorry attempt to compare Microsoft Windows to a Coke product reversal.

    Lou May 7, 2013 9:41 pm Reply
  • Windows 8 works best with touchscreen technology. You can use a mouse and a non-touchscreen monitor, but to enjoy the full benefit of Windows 8 you have to have a touchscreen monitor. This has lead to some confusion amount users and critics. When Windows 8 was released there has been very little touchscreen devices or they has been very expensive. As touchscreen devices fall in price ( as demand grows ) , Windows 8 will do just fine. Microsoft had to make a product that would work with tablets, phones and PC. With Windows 8, they have positioned themselves in a great place for future growth.
    Personally, Windows 8 is my preferred OS….even without a touchscreen monitor.

    Techgeek May 7, 2013 10:24 pm Reply
  • Really, whats wrong with Microsoft listening to its costumers and makes adjustments to its operating system bases of feedback. People really are trying to hate on Microsoft these days.

    Emmanuel Mac Donald May 7, 2013 10:34 pm Reply
  • Firstly the only reason i am not using Windows 8 is because I have yet to buy a touch screen monitor. My daughter who uses it loves it as it is and I just think we are having the usual resistance to change with the biggest hurdle not the software but that a lot of people are yet to get a touch screen monitor.

    However if we look at the change from office 2003 to 2007 and of course xp to vista/7 there were people who just threw their hands up and said its to hard. We are just seeing the same thing again along with another hardware change.

    xp to vista/7 was get better hardware to run it properly and 8 is the same get the hardware to run it properly.

    Roy Dean May 7, 2013 11:33 pm Reply
  • Firstly the only reason i am not using Windows 8 is because I have yet to buy a touch screen monitor. My daughter who uses it loves it as it is and I just think we are having the usual resistance to change with the biggest hurdle not the software but that a lot of people are yet to get a touch screen monitor.
    However if we look at the change from office 2003 to 2007 and of course xp to vista/7 there were people who just threw their hands up and said its to hard. We are just seeing the same thing again along with another hardware change.
    xp to vista/7 was get better hardware to run it properly and 8 is the same get the hardware to run it properly.

    Roy Dean May 7, 2013 11:33 pm Reply
  • No! It is not. Richard Waters need to keep his home fires burning. Don’t he?

    ananda dias-jayasinha May 7, 2013 11:36 pm Reply
  • Windows 8 is a fantastic product. Microsoft’s failure has been their reluctance and/or inability to get the message across that Windows 8 works equally well with mouse and keyboard as with touch. Just read what people are saying – most people are under the impression that 8 works mainly for touch. With better marketing, we would not be having this discussion.

    Andrew Kosik May 8, 2013 12:01 am Reply
  • Absolutely an absolute failure, now we are holding our breath, waiting to see what comes out of the BLUE, when it was Microsoft that failed us prior, with resignations after release, with Microsoft’s unusually low price of $40 dollars for an upgrade to windows 8, we users should of been more weary when the pre-released had massive amount of alarm bells already ringing inside the lemon, as Microsoft was aware of inherent pre-known
    failures. An abomination in any sense, numerous crash failures with Microsoft
    deciding which will be incompatible programs, by not accommodating third party compatibility issues is simply a disturbing limited dumb idea, with stupid consequences,
    regressing the advancement of computer operating systems, a step backward untoward
    the advancement, inhibiting future progress with such an convulsion resurrected out of the BLUE>

    Hendrik Van Aller May 8, 2013 12:03 am Reply
  • Best failure I’ve ever used!

    Willem ofOrange May 8, 2013 12:44 am Reply
  • If that’s the case, then I suppose the new word for R&D is also spelled FAILURE? What about this “If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try, again?

    This world is SOOOOO driven by a need to be right the first time and second time and third time…like Rule 1. I’m always right…Rule 2. See rule 1

    how many different times did TAE remake the light bulbs filament…thousands and thousands of objects tried before the right combination of materials resulted in tungsten being the element needed to make long lasting light bulbs.

    Windows is always in a state of development…some things work, some things do NOT…so what…they will keep trying to improve and evolve the O/S as the needs of users and the capabilities of machines keep changing depending on the level of R&D technical discoveries/capabilities continues to change and evolve!

    A lot of you haven’t used windows from 3.1 and up…windows 98 failed on average every 4-6 months…failed to the point that the infamous BSOD was named as the dreaded terror of every user because it usually meant…a complete wipe and reinstall of the O/S…invariably losing ALL data or if not…saying it was there only to find out it was completely corrupted. Drivers were atrocious and very few worked “out of the box” rather they created other issues that may/probably would corrupt the entire O/S all over again even right after a clean and refreshed machine was being restored.

    WinMe was far, far, worse…it failed no matter what you did…on average every 3 months or less…and I used it often…it was no worse than windows 98 but should’ve been better than windows 98…it NEVER obtained that distinction rather it was just as bad or worse than Win 98, then along came windows xp…the most widely adopted O/S in the entire history of computing. The kernel of XP was stable, it functioned well, it was a huge improvement over the last two iterations of windows and it’s driver model was allowed to mature and the cooperation of developers, coders, architects of the HAL, and the development of windowsupdate all led Microsoft to a success beyond their wildest expectations and Microsoft became the GOD of computing O/Ses…then Windows Vista was released which was a HUGE improvement in some respects…read file system response, file system security and redundancy, self healing tools to keep the kernel safe and the drivers separated from the file system when failures or corruption occurred allowing for user intervention allowing time to repair the O/S rather than corrupting the entire installation….but with one huge failure that tripled or more…memory allocation…and becoming a memory HOG. The O/S leaked memory like a rowboat that had the bottom tore out of it…the memory useage and mismanagement…was a huge problem…so; Windows 7 was born…it was everything Windows Vista was supposed to be and fell short…Windows 7 is the Lamborghini
    of computing…it is fast, reliable, fault tolerant beyond belief, and it is also conveniently compatible with a huge range of hardware…just like XP’s drivers that were written FOR the O/S by hardware vendors…so does this version…a year of development and research by the PUBLIC allowed for DRIVER MATURIZATION that guaranteed a successful O/S release…JUST like XP..

    Now Windows 8…built on the same basic kernel…using all new code available by developers, but still relying on the same framework underneath…as windows 7, and just introducing new code and new apps, and new ideas that had been in the marketplace for a long time as mobile apps for cells…has everybody in an uproar over productivity…but that comes from two entirely different models for productivity…one is the establishment and business world…the other is from the youth and social media scene that is inherently different because the public had been performing R&D for most of the past decade…read…pda’s, blackberry, and the evolution of social communication and the shrinking globe!!!

    Microsoft and Windows is just ahead of the curve a bit but what’s really happening/changing/evolving is how the public interfaces with the environment to communicate…via twitter, fb, google, yahoo, AOL, and so on…smartphones, tablets, ultrathin laptops, ultrabooks, the net…cellular mana that proves how people….young people especially…are making the evolution of being social…occur at a pace far to rapid for older generations and far, far, too slow for the current generation of globalizers exploring the earth and all it’s people have to offer on the ether!

    Bobby Ketcham May 8, 2013 1:26 am Reply
  • we will have to see (windows needs to do some BIG BIG FIX to make me happy)

    just look in the err logs

    look in the services (Failed to read Description error code 2) hit help got big fat nothing

    Hotrodhome May 8, 2013 1:26 am Reply
  • If that’s the case, then I suppose the new word for R&D is also spelled FAILURE? What about this “If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try, again?
    This world is SOOOOO driven by a need to be right the first time and second time and third time…like Rule 1. I’m always right…Rule 2. See rule 1
    how many different times did TAE remake the light bulbs filament…thousands and thousands of objects tried before the right combination of materials resulted in tungsten being the element needed to make long lasting light bulbs.
    Windows is always in a state of development…some things work, some things do NOT…so what…they will keep trying to improve and evolve the O/S as the needs of users and the capabilities of machines keep changing depending on the level of R&D technical discoveries/capabilities continues to change and evolve!
    A lot of you haven’t used windows from 3.1 and up…windows 98 failed on average every 4-6 months…failed to the point that the infamous BSOD was named as the dreaded terror of every user because it usually meant…a complete wipe and reinstall of the O/S…invariably losing ALL data or if not…saying it was there only to find out it was completely corrupted. Drivers were atrocious and very few worked “out of the box” rather they created other issues that may/probably would corrupt the entire O/S all over again even right after a clean and refreshed machine was being restored.
    WinMe was far, far, worse…it failed no matter what you did…on average every 3 months or less…and I used it often…it was no worse than windows 98 but should’ve been better than windows 98…it NEVER obtained that distinction rather it was just as bad or worse than Win 98, then along came windows xp…the most widely adopted O/S in the entire history of computing. The kernel of XP was stable, it functioned well, it was a huge improvement over the last two iterations of windows and it’s driver model was allowed to mature and the cooperation of developers, coders, architects of the HAL, and the development of windowsupdate all led Microsoft to a success beyond their wildest expectations and Microsoft became the GOD of computing O/Ses…then Windows Vista was released which was a HUGE improvement in some respects…read file system response, file system security and redundancy, self healing tools to keep the kernel safe and the drivers separated from the file system when failures or corruption occurred allowing for user intervention allowing time to repair the O/S rather than corrupting the entire installation….but with one huge failure that tripled or more…memory allocation…and becoming a memory HOG. The O/S leaked memory like a rowboat that had the bottom tore out of it…the memory useage and mismanagement…was a huge problem…so; Windows 7 was born…it was everything Windows Vista was supposed to be and fell short…Windows 7 is the Lamborghini
    of computing…it is fast, reliable, fault tolerant beyond belief, and it is also conveniently compatible with a huge range of hardware…just like XP’s drivers that were written FOR the O/S by hardware vendors…so does this version…a year of development and research by the PUBLIC allowed for DRIVER MATURIZATION that guaranteed a successful O/S release…JUST like XP..
    Now Windows 8…built on the same basic kernel…using all new code available by developers, but still relying on the same framework underneath…as windows 7, and just introducing new code and new apps, and new ideas that had been in the marketplace for a long time as mobile apps for cells…has everybody in an uproar over productivity…but that comes from two entirely different models for productivity…one is the establishment and business world…the other is from the youth and social media scene that is inherently different because the public had been performing R&D for most of the past decade…read…pda’s, blackberry, and the evolution of social communication and the shrinking globe!!!
    Microsoft and Windows is just ahead of the curve a bit but what’s really happening/changing/evolving is how the public interfaces with the environment to communicate…via twitter, fb, google, yahoo, AOL, and so on…smartphones, tablets, ultrathin laptops, ultrabooks, the net…cellular mana that proves how people….young people especially…are making the evolution of being social…occur at a pace far to rapid for older generations and far, far, too slow for the current generation of globalizers exploring the earth and all it’s people have to offer on the ether!

    Bobby Ketcham May 8, 2013 1:26 am Reply
  • we will have to see (windows needs to do some BIG BIG FIX to make me happy)
    just look in the err logs
    look in the services (Failed to read Description error code 2) hit help got big fat nothing

    Hotrodhome May 8, 2013 1:26 am Reply
  • Most of the complaints are frankly stupid you do NOT Have to use tiles you do NOT need a start menu its all there to start with!
    As to is it any good, well running 13 pc’s 24/7 fast, reliable, networking transfer much faster on big files 2-10 gig in size, memory handling good, would I switch back? not likely!
    would I switch to 8.1 No not unless I can run it as I have it set up now!

    Mikemp May 8, 2013 1:40 am Reply
  • I don’t think windows 8 is a failure, I like it, you just have to warm up to it. After using it for several months I enjoy it, the performance seems like it doesn’t slow down at all like I noticed in windows 7 and all the previous windows OS. Sure windows 8 was developed more for touch, at least they are trying, look at windows 7 touch capabilities, they are crap and never worked right. I love what they did with the support with multiple monitors, its so smooth and it works flawlessly. The bar for your applications on the bottom or where ever you set it on all monitors is awesome because you can open anything with easy, if you are playing full screen window mode game in windows 7 you would have to click on the second screen to bring up the bar to access the web to look something up, in windows 8 you can just click on the browser icon on the second monitor without the annoying extra few steps. A change may affect big things like businesses but every company need to adapt, first you have to walk before you can run.

    tyler May 8, 2013 3:51 am Reply
  • Windows 8 will be a complete failure if they plan on charging current windows 8 users for a windows blue upgrade instead of a service patch like previous versions of windows, I’m currently running windows 8 on 3 p/c’s which I had to buy licenses for all 3 machine and even on the old 32 bit, p/c it runs better then the original windows Xp did, so im happy so far

    Don May 8, 2013 4:25 am Reply
  • Yes it was a failure. that was nothing of note in windows 8 that is not in windows 7 except the obvious, the bad things. The start button and the all the changes they make to desk top not helping but requiring many extra steps in doing what was easy in win 7 then the the arrogance in refusing to listen to their customers. the only redeeming quality in the whole thing for me personally was the price. now I have bit locker and it only cost me 39.00

    gary Prater May 8, 2013 8:09 am Reply
  • Yes it’s a failure. Consider for a moment about the scenario with Windows 7. Microsoft after launching Windows 7 didn’t needed to rectify any errors. It was accepted with ease among the customers. While after launching win 8, Microsoft knew customers were not happy about Windows 8, so they are bringing Win Blue. Though I liked the fact that they have acted quickly. I hope Windows Blue will undo all Windows 8 mistakes.
    Moreover, Microsoft have killed its own legacy of Start button in Windows 8. Now which fool would kill its own legacy? Microsoft did. I sometimes think that Microsoft are confused about whom to target: a tablet or a PC? If they think their Windows 8 it targeted to Samsung & Apple, then they’ll fail big time because of non-feasibility of affordable tablets. And on other side their OS is best suited to tablets or a touch PC.
    I do not have any bias against Microsoft. I am a Windows 7 user. I have been using Windows since 18 years now.

    Harsh Patel May 8, 2013 8:52 am Reply
  • Yes it’s a failure. Consider for a moment about the scenario with Windows 7. Microsoft after launching Windows 7 didn’t needed to rectify any errors. It was accepted with ease among the customers. While after launching win 8, Microsoft knew customers were not happy about Windows 8, so they are bringing Win Blue. Though I liked the fact that they have acted quickly. I hope Windows Blue will undo all Windows 8 mistakes.
    Moreover, Microsoft have killed its own legacy of Start button in Windows 8. Now which fool would kill its own legacy? Microsoft did. I sometimes think that Microsoft are confused about whom to target: a tablet or a PC? If they think their Windows 8 it targeted to Samsung & Apple, then they’ll fail big time because of non-feasibility of affordable tablets. And on other side their OS is best suited to tablets or a touch PC.
    I do not have any bias against Microsoft. I am a Windows 7 user. I have been using Windows since 18 years now.

    Harsh Patel May 8, 2013 8:52 am Reply
  • NO Absolutely, Windows 8 is different, but whole world are trying to make it a failure for Microsoft, Blue update is some enhancements and hearing customers voice and feedbacks, Windows 8is great, fast, secure, a step forward to the future UI, I love it and I’ve installed it on all my friends PCs, they all love it too, but when I suggested them they resist to not to install 8, after installation they love it and don’t want to com back to previous version.

    Shahab May 8, 2013 10:08 am Reply
  • I have been using the final release since the day it hit the market. I went about two days before losing my mind without a start button so I installed Classic Shell. After a while I just told Classic Shell to bypass the Metro screen and boot into the Desktop. On my non-touch device, I hate the Metro screen. It just slows me down. After about a week I was twitching that I had no gadgets. So, I installed a third party tool for gadgets. About two weeks after that, when I deployed I realized they removed the Ad-Hoc wizard. Really??? I was freaking out. I use that feature a lot… especially when deployed. A lot of places only offer an ethernet option so I would use the Ad-Hoc option to share my connection to my phone, tablet and PS Vita. Nope. Not with Windows 8.

    In the big picture, I don’t think Windows 8 is a failure. I just think for a normal desktop or laptop environment without touchscreen, the Desktop is the better option. I really, really, do not like Metro on a non-touchscreen device. On the other hand, I have used it on an all-in-one PC with touchscreen and found it very intuitive. Metro has it’s place, I am not against it. I just want my PC to have all the capabilities in desktop mode.

    I think it’s a wise idea for Microsoft to listen to it’s customers. We the customer pay a pretty penny for this product so we should have a say (keeping in mind that you cannot make everyone happy). If people out there love Metro and never want to see a Start button again, then don’t use the Desktop. Stay in Metro. For people that prefer the Desktop, give them a Start button. Don’t make us switch back and forth. I have always been a Microsoft guy and I teach Windows 7 and Server 2008 for a living. I fear the transition to Windows 8 in an enterprise environment. I have actually installed about six flavors of Linux since Windows 8 came out just learn them in case Microsoft bombs. I don’t think they will, but it has opened my eyes to some great alternatives. Linux Mint 14.1 with Mate interface for example is awesome. I still prefer to use Windows as that is what I know, but I am glad to see that alternatives are available and they are not that scary.

    I don’t mind Windows 8 but I have done everything I could do to turn it back into Windows 7! My wife on the hand disliked WIndows 8 so much she bought a Mac. After three weeks she is still trying to figure it out, but she still thinks it’s better than Windows 8.

    Greg May 8, 2013 3:33 pm Reply
  • I have been using the final release since the day it hit the market. I went about two days before losing my mind without a start button so I installed Classic Shell. After a while I just told Classic Shell to bypass the Metro screen and boot into the Desktop. On my non-touch device, I hate the Metro screen. It just slows me down. After about a week I was twitching that I had no gadgets. So, I installed a third party tool for gadgets. About two weeks after that, when I deployed I realized they removed the Ad-Hoc wizard. Really??? I was freaking out. I use that feature a lot… especially when deployed. A lot of places only offer an ethernet option so I would use the Ad-Hoc option to share my connection to my phone, tablet and PS Vita. Nope. Not with Windows 8.
    In the big picture, I don’t think Windows 8 is a failure. I just think for a normal desktop or laptop environment without touchscreen, the Desktop is the better option. I really, really, do not like Metro on a non-touchscreen device. On the other hand, I have used it on an all-in-one PC with touchscreen and found it very intuitive. Metro has it’s place, I am not against it. I just want my PC to have all the capabilities in desktop mode.
    I think it’s a wise idea for Microsoft to listen to it’s customers. We the customer pay a pretty penny for this product so we should have a say (keeping in mind that you cannot make everyone happy). If people out there love Metro and never want to see a Start button again, then don’t use the Desktop. Stay in Metro. For people that prefer the Desktop, give them a Start button. Don’t make us switch back and forth. I have always been a Microsoft guy and I teach Windows 7 and Server 2008 for a living. I fear the transition to Windows 8 in an enterprise environment. I have actually installed about six flavors of Linux since Windows 8 came out just learn them in case Microsoft bombs. I don’t think they will, but it has opened my eyes to some great alternatives. Linux Mint 14.1 with Mate interface for example is awesome. I still prefer to use Windows as that is what I know, but I am glad to see that alternatives are available and they are not that scary.
    I don’t mind Windows 8 but I have done everything I could do to turn it back into Windows 7! My wife on the hand disliked WIndows 8 so much she bought a Mac. After three weeks she is still trying to figure it out, but she still thinks it’s better than Windows 8.

    Greg May 8, 2013 3:33 pm Reply
  • Will MS allow us users who purchased the specially priced update download a full version of 8.1?

    I, for one, did not install the update because I simply hated the whole thing, especially the restriction place on updating from a 32 bit installation to a 64 bit one..

    If MS do not allow free full downloads of 8.1 then they can kiss windows goodbye.

    They really need to rethink their entire update strategy and allow users to do a clean installation no matter what bit rate as long as ownership of any qualifying previous purchase is proven.

    Kevin May 9, 2013 1:55 pm Reply
  • Will MS allow us users who purchased the specially priced update download a full version of 8.1?
    I, for one, did not install the update because I simply hated the whole thing, especially the restriction place on updating from a 32 bit installation to a 64 bit one..
    If MS do not allow free full downloads of 8.1 then they can kiss windows goodbye.
    They really need to rethink their entire update strategy and allow users to do a clean installation no matter what bit rate as long as ownership of any qualifying previous purchase is proven.

    Kevin May 9, 2013 1:55 pm Reply
  • I can guarantee that eventually touch screen users will tire from constantly cleaning their finger marked, greased up screen. I already tired of cleaning my touch phone’s screen 100 times a day

    Kevin May 9, 2013 2:01 pm Reply
  • It’s not to soon to call Windows 8 a failure. We all knew it was a failure on its release date because we knew for sure that Microsoft was not going to listen at all to its customers. We told Microsoft they needed to have an optional start menu (for example) because we knew most customers would want a start menu. However, Microsoft actively ignored us and went against what we recommended. We also told them their interface was the ugliest we’d ever seen in a modern OS, but did they make it look better? Of course not, because Microsoft must not care what its customers think, or what their customers know. So, when Windows 8 was first released, we knew it was already a failure. All Microsoft can do know is START listening to its customers, starting with adding a start menu (at least for laptops and desktops).

    Matt May 9, 2013 6:28 pm Reply
  • I think the Windows 8 system is a complete failure and they should just scrap it and go back with Windows 7 because at least that had a start menu whereas Windows 8 does not!.

    Sean Rollett May 12, 2013 8:12 am Reply
  • my dog ​​does something like windows 8, every day in the grass, called feces.

    hinakachan June 2, 2013 7:53 pm Reply

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