Major Update For Bing Maps With 121 TB Of Satellite Images

November 29, 2012

blog post that the update brings over 15 million square kilometers of new data:

“Our latest release of Global Ortho imagery includes 69 blocks and covers over 800,000 sq km. In total, we have published 10,777,300 square kilometers covering 100% of the United States and 83% of Western Europe! The Global Ortho project is nearing completion with only 4% remaining to be published”.
Bing Maps has also been updated with a Hurricane Sandy app that shows a detailed view of the areas that got hit by the devastating storm in late October. Dedicated controls toggle between pre and post hurricane damages.
“Once weather permitted, Keystone Aerial Surveys, one of our Global Ortho flying partners, acquired over 5,368 sq km of striking high-resolution aerial imagery along the New York and New Jersey coastlines”.
And finally, Microsoft has also added new Europe and US Desktop themes that were available for free Windows 7 and Windows 8 users. The numbers stand at 200 and 175 respectively.]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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