Microsoft and partners poised to spend 200 million dollars promoting Windows Phone this year

January 4, 2012

Microsoft and its phone partners seem poised to spend hundreds of millionsof dollars launching new Windows Phones in the U.S. in 2012.

Citing internal (not so secret) Microsoft documentation, Paul Thurrott is saying the amount that Microsoft, Nokia and various phone partners are ponying up to spend in the first part of 2012 to push Windows Phone is close to $200 million.

200 million dollars. Just for the first part of the year.

My God.

They better seriously have me considering dumping my iphone for that kind of money.

Thurrott is also saying that Microsoft will finally pay attention to incentivising sales people to enthusiastically sell their phones

From Thurrott’s post:

“Included in the (Microsoft/Nokia marketing plan) plan are sales incentives for retail workers aimed at getting them to finally start recommending Windows Phone as an alternative to Android and the iPhone. The amount of payments are $10 to $15 per handset sold, depending on the number sold, for some handset models.”

This approach if true is nothing shocking but is actually the norm among mobile phone vendors.

My major concern is that sales incentives aside, Microsoft will unleash their current advertising company and produce a bunch of really awful commercials that further reinforce the notion that Iphones and Android phones are probably the way to go.

Anyone who reads this blog knows that i have no love for the Microsoft ad teams that greenlights these awful commercials.

200 million dollars.

They need to impress the hell out of me…

Source 1

Source 2

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Top priority if Microsoft wants to win the hearts of the business world ———-
    Release a CITRIX RECEIVER or CLIENT APP for Windows Phone 7.5 !!!!
    This should have been done a long time ago.

    ECM2 January 4, 2012 2:15 pm Reply
    • A good point, but how many buissness men own Iphones or android? (Im just shooting in the dark, but i think they mostly own blackberry’s). Most people do own an Android or Iphone. What they should do is try to get a cool app on Android and when they open it have it say “Your phone is now infected with malaware. If you dont want this to happen again, go buy a windows phone”

      Penta2100 January 7, 2012 2:11 pm Reply
      • hi all,
        i do have a Lumia 800 and i want to have Citrix on my device so i can do my business while moving

        Sherif Ackef March 25, 2012 9:43 am Reply

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