Microsoft Announces New Windows 8 Discount

April 9, 2013

Before you rush in, do keep in mind that these price cuts are specific to those fine folks still using Windows XP, and part of Microsoft’s efforts to convince users to dump the old OS.

Redmond announced yesterday that it plans to stick to its April 8, 2014 retirement date for Windows XP, and once again recommended those that are still on the old operating system to make the move to newer software as soon as possible.

Newer software, as in Windows 8, you say?

Aptly so! In order to make sure that most businesses that decide to migrate choose Microsoft’s latest and greatest operating system, the company has rolled out a new discount that cuts the price by 15 percent for those who make the plunge for both Windows 8 and Office 2013.

Better than nothing, I reckon.

Thing is that there is a certain percentage of users and businesses that have expressed their desires to upgrade to Windows 7, citing the familiarities and similarities between that OS and Windows XP.

But considering how Windows 8 is more than an operating system (it’s a new platform, people), it makes total sense for Microsoft to try and convince users to make the jump to Windows 8.

Otherwise, it may just as well turn out to be the case of users sticking with Windows 7 five years down the road. And surely the software titan would not want to deal with a similar scenario.

This promotion runs through June 30, and is only available for a maximum of 249 licenses of Windows 8 Pro and Office 2013.

So the big question is, will you (or your business) bite? Share the juice details in the comments.

Article Categories:
Windows 8

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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