Microsoft Flight Simulator Takes Flight

August 18, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator Launhc

The big day is finally here! After a fairly lengthy development period, and some sustained beta testing, Redmond has launched the Microsoft Flight Simulator.

One of the longest running Microsoft products, the latest version of Microsoft Flight Simulator brings with it all the latest bells and whistles you would expect. Including impressive graphics, dynamic scenery powered by Azure AI and Bing Maps, real-time weather, and features like virtual reality.

In other words, the game goes back to its roots while pushing itself forward with modern technologies.

To showcase how far it has come, Microsoft put together this video:

Flight Simulator does require some heavy hardware. A powerful processor and GPU to go with around 150GB of hard drive space and a 5Mbps Internet connection to really feel what it has to offer. Oh, and expect to spare plenty of bandwidth as the game streams in the planet data from the cloud.

The game is available both on the Microsoft Store and Steam, in multiple editions.

It’s not been a smooth flight, though.

People have been reporting random crashes and performance hiccups, and some have even found that the additional content they bought with the premium tier is unavailable. Some users are facing download problems with the downloads halting midway.

Microsoft putting together a list of known issues, many of which might also apply to the version of the game downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

Good thing is that the software titan has acknowledged most of these problems, and is working to resolve them.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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