Microsoft Just Sold Its Last Windows Phone

April 20, 2018

It’s done. Microsoft is all out of Windows Phone powered handsets, with the very last units the company had in stock recently being sold. Meaning, these devices are now only available at retailers.

That is, if you want to buy one, for some reason.

We have known for quite some time that mobile is not exactly in focus for Redmond.

As a matter of pure fact, the company itself confirmed that it was moving away and had no future plans for the Windows 10 Mobile platform. No new features have been launched for the mobile OS, and even updates to the operating system are few and far between.

That being said, Microsoft still listed two Windows phones on its store. And as it so happens, these are now listed as out of stock.

Instead, the company recommends customers to turn to third-party resellers, which is interesting because they themselves have few to no units available.

Microsoft ended production of these its Lumia devices quite some time back, and other manufacturers have not been too keen on launching their own Windows 10 Mobile powered smartphones, as you can imagine.

Given the current state of the platform, all this comes as no surprise.

One constant among all this is that it is very hard to decrypt what mobile strategy Microsoft is pursuing.

The company is believed to be working on a new mobile device that apparently is not a typical smartphone, but a product that has multiple form factors. Many have called this the Surface Phone, but keeping in view the way things are going, chances are that it will be known by another name.

Luckily, Redmond is said to be at an advanced stage of development and could launch this new hardware in the coming months.

But as far as the old hardware is concerned, that story is done and dusted.

Soon the only place to buy a Windows Phone would be eBay and similar websites.

Because this really is the end.

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Featured · Hardware · Microsoft · Strategy

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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