Microsoft Launches AirSim On Unity

November 14, 2018
Microsoft AirSim

You’d have to think really hard to name another company so invested in AI. Microsoft continues its drive to popularize artificial intelligence by launching AirSim on Unity.

Yes, the game engine.

This is the open source system the company unveiled earlier this year for training drones and other gadgets to move safely on their own. Redmond made it available for Unreal Engine a while back, and now an experimental release is up for grabs for Unity.

Microsoft provides the details here in the announcement post, with Shital Shah revealing that AirSim developers will be able to leverage this platform for building, training and evaluating autonomous systems in a simulated environment designed for AI.

Microsoft AirSim Unity

Using AirSim means that training these systems will be both faster and safe than real-life testing, as it reduces the limitations and risks involved.

Once training is complete, the models can then be deployed onto actual hardware to be tested out in the real world.

AirSim provides developers with a vibrant array of simulation tools, including realistic environments, vehicle dynamics and multimodal sensing. Developers and researchers can also train their drones and autonomous vehicles for real-life situation using tools like Bonsai.

Which Microsoft also acquired earlier this year.

If you’re interested in checking AirSim on Unity, head on over here.

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Marcus is a technologist, speaker, educator and writer from New York. He has a passion for how technology influences business. Marcus has over 30 years of experience in technology. He eats too much, and loves to sit in front of his computer.

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