Microsoft: Number Of Windows 8 Apps Has Doubled Since Launch

November 28, 2012

40 million copies of Windows 8 so far, the company also confirmed that the total number of apps in the Windows Store is growing at a very rapid pace. In fact, the total number has doubled since the OS launch. Brandon LeBlanc at Microsoft revealed this intriguing (and interesting) piece of information in a blog post:

“The launch of Windows 8 at the end of October also saw the grand opening of the Windows Store. There were more apps in the Windows Store at launch than any other app store at their launch and since then, the number of apps in the Windows Store has doubled”.
More interestingly, the revenues of a few of the more popular Windows 8 apps have exceeded the $25,000 mark, meaning the developers of those specific apps get to keep 80% of the revenue they make for as long as the app remains. LeBlanc continued:
“A number of apps in the Windows Store have crossed the $25,000 revenue mark and the developer keeps 80% of the revenue they make off downloads for the life of their app. A lot of great new apps have been added to the Windows Store since launch”.
The Windows Store has also overtaken Apple’s Mac App Store when it comes to total app count. According to the figures by a product review firm by the name of Distimo, the Windows Store provides 21,183 apps worldwide, compared to Apple’s Mac App Store, which currently holds 12,665 applications. While this puts it way ahead of the Mac App Store, the Windows Store is nowhere near close to out-pacing the Apple App Store and Google Play, both of which boost over 600,000 apps. Then again, like they say, one has to learn to walk before it can run — even if it is an app store. And by the look of things the Windows App Store is finally walking.]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Windows is fighting back. What does the other have to offer as counter-action?

    chimp45 November 28, 2012 3:19 pm Reply

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