Microsoft releases a list of Windows 10 Features that are no longer being developed

November 21, 2019
Windows 10 security

In a recent document, Microsoft outlines a whole bunch of features in Windows 10 that they are not only not developing anymore but, wait for it, might remove from future versions.

Their words:

Every version of Windows 10 adds new features and functionality; occasionally we also remove features and functionality, often because we’ve added a better option. Below are the details about the features and functionalities that are no longer being developed in Windows 10. For information about features that have been removed, see Features we removed.

The features described below are no longer being actively developed, and might be removed in a future update. Some features have been replaced with other features or functionality and some are now available from other sources.

Some of the more prominent features they will be removing…

    • My People / People in the Shell My People is no longer being developed. It may be removed in a future update.
    • XDDM-based remote display driver Starting with this release, the Remote Desktop Services uses a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) based Indirect Display Driver (IDD) for a single session remote desktop. The support for Windows 2000 Display Driver Model (XDDM) based remote display drivers will be removed in a future release. Independent Software Vendors that use an XDDM-based remote display driver should plan a migration to the WDDM driver model. For more information about implementing a remote indirect display driver, ISVs can reach out to
    • Taskbar settings roaming Roaming of taskbar settings is no longer being developed and we plan to remove this capability in a future release.
    • Wi-Fi WEP and TKIP Since the 1903 release, a warning message has appeared when connecting to Wi-Fi networks secured with WEP or TKIP (which are not as secure as those using WPA2 or WPA3). In a future release, any connection to a Wi-Fi network using these old ciphers will be disallowed. Wi-Fi routers should be updated to use AES ciphers, available with WPA2 or WPA3.
    • Windows To Go Windows To Go is no longer being developed.The feature does not support feature updates and therefore does not enable you to stay current. It also requires a specific type of USB that is no longer supported by many OEMs.
    • Print 3D app Going forward, 3D Builder is the recommended 3D printing app. To 3D print objects on new Windows devices, customers must first install 3D Builder from the Store.
    • Snipping Tool The Snipping Tool is an application included in Windows 10 that is used to capture screenshots, either the full screen or a smaller, custom “snip” of the screen. In Windows 10, version 1809, we’re introducing a new universal app, Snip & Sketch, that provides the same screen snipping abilities, as well as additional features. You can launch Snip & Sketch directly and start a snip from there, or just press WIN + Shift + S. Snip & Sketch can also be launched from the “Screen snip” button in the Action Center. We’re no longer developing the Snipping Tool as a separate app but are instead consolidating its functionality into Snip & Sketch.
    • Phone Companion Use the Phone page in the Settings app. In Windows 10, version 1709, we added the new Phone page to help you sync your mobile phone with your PC. It includes all the Phone Companion features.
    • IIS 6 Management Compatibility* We recommend that users use alternative scripting tools and a newer management console.
    • Windows PowerShell 2.0 Applications and components should be migrated to PowerShell 5.0+.

and much more.

Make sure you review the full list they provide so you’re prepared for these changes.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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