Microsoft Talks About How It Created A New Font For IE11 Reading View

March 5, 2014

blog post, the company details how this feature works in IE11. Basically when a user switches to Reading View (on certain, supported websites), the browser transforms the text into a custom new font designed just for Windows 8.1 — called Sitka. Microsoft says that it designed this typeface family based on input from scientific legibility studies, and the font uses different styles depending on sizes and uses. For example Sitka Small is used for image captions, Sitka Text for the main article, and Sitka Heading for titles. The company also goes over how it approached page layouts to make it easier for a user to read in the Reading View, particularly if an article stretches across multiple pages. Microsoft also goes over specific code that web designers can use to make their pages look their best in Reading View. It is an informative read, and goes over this useful new feature in elaborate detail, so hit up the link above if you are in the mood.]]>

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Windows 8.1

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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