Microsoft Teams also find a place on the Microsoft Store

October 11, 2021

Because, why not? Redmond seems all set to bring its star communication platform Microsoft Teams to the newly refreshed Microsoft Store. Matter of fact, listing of it is already live right now.

Though, at this point, the application is not showing up for everybody.

As in, searching for Microsoft Teams in the Store on a Windows 11 PC does not bring up the program. Most likely, this is due to the software titan still conducting some experiments to ensure that there are no issues when the app is formally made available.

Which should not be long now.

According to this report, the group chat app will land on the overhauled store in the new OS several other big applications, including TeamSpeak. Wheels for all these popular platforms are now said to be turning.

Redmond making its golden app available on the Microsoft Store makes all kinds of sense, even though Microsoft Teams is already integrated in the new operating system.

That is because the apps repository has received a massive overhaul that not only marks the debut of several popular desktop software, but also browsers and third-party app stores including the very popular Epic Games Store.

Teams, meanwhile, is flying high after a raging success the video conferencing app registered for itself as the world transitioned to a work from home culture.

Article Categories:
Apps · Featured · Launch · Microsoft Store · Teams

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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