Microsoft To Force Upgrade Some PCs To Windows 10 Version 2004

June 18, 2020
Laptop User Surprised

Hold onto your lunchboxes, folks! The next phase of the rollout of version 2004 is now upon us. And in the crosshair are users that are still rocking Windows 10 version 1809.

These are now automatically being updated to the latest version of the operating system.

Back when Microsoft released the May 2019 Update, it announced a fundamental change in how it would deliver feature updates. Essentially, the company decided to move away from forced upgrades, and go in with a system that would have users opt in to install these new releases.

With one caveat, though.

If someone is still using a version of the OS that is near end of support, they would be automatically upgraded to the newest iteration of the operating system.

And this is pretty much what’s happening right now.

Back in May, the software titan updated the version 1809 dashboard to forewarn this event, and it has now updated the version 2004 dashboard to confirm that these users are now being pushed towards the latest flavor of Windows 10 — whether they want it not.

Those of you still using version 1809, there is nothing you need to do right now in order to have your system upgraded to version 2004. That is, unless you want to stay with your old installation, in which case there are ways to stop the deployment.

Or, if you would rather prefer something that has been out there in the public for a bit longer, then you always have the choice of upgrading your computer to version 1903 or 1909.

There is no shortage of issues that folks are encountering with version 2004, after all.

For Microsoft, however, this strategy is fraught with danger. The company could have chosen to go with the previous release here, as version 1909 was pretty solid and reliable all things considered. But apparently, this is a risk that Redmond is willing to take.

Fingers crossed that things go smooth.

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Featured · Strategy · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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