Microsofts Windows 8 Tablet option – make it a loss leader

June 13, 2011

probably definitely build on the strengths of Windows 7. With the tablet it’s not going to be that simple. No one who knows anything about technology can credibly believe that when the Windows 8 tablet is launched, it’s features will be able to go up pound for pound against an Ipad 3 or a more mature Android tablet. Not. Going. To. Happen. But, we have seen this scenario before – with the Xbox. No one (including me) dreamed that the Xbox would ever be this successful and it has, in strong part due to Microsoft’s secret P weapons – Price and Patience. Microsoft was able to take a loss on each Xbox while they grew that business line and they had the patience to see it through. The approach should be no different here. Apple are at maximum demand at their price points ($499 and up) but that leaves a tremendous opening for anyone who will offer a quality tablet at the $99 to $199 price point. If Microsoft are willing to be a little patient and see the Windows 8 tablets as loss leaders, at least in the beginning, we might be in for an interesting race… What do you think?  ]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Microsoft is best positioned to take first place in the tablet race. With a worldwide installbase of more than a billiion custumors (business and consumers) using Windows on their computers, all seeking compatiblity and integration with other products (like tablets), I think Microsoft will definetively be a winner. And most of all, it won´t have to take a loss on it´s tablets. The tablet market is still young and Apple, even with it´s succes, will always be a niche player. Google has only acquired marketshare because Android was free to producers of smartphones. The desintegration within Google Android and Chrome OS will soon kill it. Only Microsoft is able to come up with a real competitive prodcut to Apple´s Iphone and tablet. W8 is the prove of that.  

    R Canwood June 16, 2011 3:00 am Reply
  • Windows 8 X86 tablets for $99 to $199 — never going to happen — the cpu alone costs that much.
    WP7.5-derived ARM tablets for $99 to $199 — ?

    ECM2 December 22, 2011 4:23 pm Reply
  • Microsoft should read this now (today anno 2013) and publish a cheap tablet-P.C. I’d buy 10 the moment they’re on the shelves, and I’ll give them to my friends and family ”Oprah-style” 😛

    Agosto Nuñez June 2, 2013 10:54 pm Reply

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