More Windows 10 Version 2004 Update Blocks Lifted

August 18, 2020
Windows 10 May 2020 Update

It’s been a bump road, but things are finally on the up. Windows 10 version 2004 was released nearly three months before, and due to a few widespread issues, many users have been left out.

Microsoft put blocks in place that prevented these devices from upgrading, and the list even included a whole range of Surface machines. The software titan has been fixing these slowly and steadily, case in point being the optional cumulative update that was released on July 31.

Since that was a preview update, it did not get rolled into the installation image, meaning the blocks were not removed.

Then came Patch Tuesday, with the mandatory cumulative updates. The same fixes were included with this release. As a result, here we are, with more update blocks removed a few days later.

According to reports, these are the blocks that have just been removed:

  • PCs with aksfridge.sys or aksdf.sys is present on system.
  • PCs with older Nvidia GPU driver.
  • PCs with Realtek Bluetooth radio drivers.
  • PCs with Variable refresh rate in Intel iGPU.
  • PCs with Storage Spaces.

That about covers the lot, though not everyone is invited to deploy the May 2020 Update just yet.

The good thing is that Microsoft now only lists three known issues for version 2004, which the company says that it is investigating. One is exclusive to those using Chinese or Japanese IME, and the others have to do with Conexant drivers.

We’re getting there!

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Featured · Fixes · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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