My biggest request for Windows 8 – Instant Updates

March 4, 2011

OK, so I am really pissed off now.

The more I write about Windows 8, the more I start to notice small things about Windows that can be improved.

In this case, I need to never see the image above again.

It seems like every other day I get this “all important” update that needs me to shut down and restart my PC.

The more you think about having to restart your PC even once a week or once a month, the more ridiculous it seems. We wouldn’t tolerate that with any other product we bought but for some reason, it makes sense when our Windows PC asks us to do it.

To be blunt, Microsoft developers, THIS HAS TO GO AWAY!

In all fairness, the reason we are asked to reboot is because there are certain PC processes (services) that we are told cant be updated while they are in use – I call that a problem.

Microsoft Developers, make this your problem! Fix it.

The next version of Windows should be able to release, repair/upgrade and restart processes in the background seamlessly. Truely big updates that require restarts should be at least 6 to 9 months apart.

I can’t be rebooting my PC every week or two weeks because a (yet another) flaw has been discovered.

My rant.. till then, here I go..I need to restart my PC, an update needs to install..

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • This would be nice, although I think some updates would still require a reboot to work, especially drivers and firmware updates.

    xinu March 10, 2011 2:05 pm Reply
  • I agree with you about the annoying frequency of updates that require a restart of your PC.
    For that reason, I rarely install updates; at least not automatically. So I never see that restart screen, unless I’m choosing specific updates to install. Still, there are problems with my ‘method’.
    1. I have to wade through the plethora of updates to determine which ones to install (is it applicable, critcal, optional (but I need it)).
    2. If I don’t do this regularly, then I’m behind the curve on security updates and perhaps other important fixes.

    So, I wouldn’t mind a restart here and there if Microsoft would, in addition to providing updates on an ad hoc basis, provide packaged updates of ‘critical’ fixes: mini-service packs: mSP1.1, etc. I would install them on an infrequent basis so the installation wouldn’t be such a pain.
    Actually, what I do on my busiest Win7 system is to have killer antivirus protection, and then Not install updates until there is a Service Pack release. I just installed SP1. It took all of 10 minutes, and required 1 restart.

    zenphx March 11, 2011 6:29 pm Reply

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