My Fantasy – A new consumer cloud Operating System from Apple and Dell – Part 1

December 6, 2010

So anyone who reads this blog knows that I am not really the kind to back down from taking a risk so here I go…

Over the next few posts, I will outline a potential scenario that I believe could redefine the entire PC paradigm if executed properly.

I will show in painstaking detail what all the components of this scenario are and what would need to happen to make this possible.

Simply put, my contention is the following:

Apple and Dell are the only two companies today who have the potential to remake the entire concept of consumer operating systems and the entire PC industry.

Before I get flamed, let me say the following: No I am not on crack and I have no relationship with either company.

I simply believe that a move to the cloud is the next exciting paradigm shift and for reasons I will go into in the next series of posts, it’s very clear that these two companies each bring unique and complimentary attributes to the table.

The next few posts will focus on the following:

  1. Components of the new Cloud OS
  2. Cloud Infrastructure
  3. The new Operating System
  4. PC Form Factor
  5. Cloud Applications
  6. Hardware Support
  7. User Experience
  8. Microsoft?

Stay tuned…

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All Comments

  • I only knew about Chrome OS likely to come by the end of this month
    My Fantasy – A new consumer cloud Operating System from Apple and Dell
    Ii didn’t know & accordingly I have subscribed to get information about user-friendly OS
    I too agree that Apple and Dell are the only two companies today who have the potential to remake the entire concept of consumer operating systems and the entire PC industry

    Mkrajyana December 8, 2010 7:34 am Reply
  • great

    Akash0800 December 8, 2010 8:59 pm Reply
  • Well, i doubt that Apple will go this way anytime soon especially as the Apps store is very profitable for them. And as the Mac Apps Store is about to be released, i don’t see them going the cloud O.S way.
    Regarding Dell, if Dell was really capable of producing a vertical solution based on their own O.S, it would have had done it a long time ago. The fact that it rely that much on Windows, and to some extent to Ubuntu, is for me the proof that it is unable to build its own O.S. Thus i don’t see Dell making any significant revolution in a PC realm anytime soon if at all.
    Google on the other hand is trying of doing this. However Chrome O.S is quite a poor and ill fated attempt of doing this.

    Timiteh December 18, 2010 12:37 am Reply

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