New Microsoft Surface RT Commercial Debuts

November 27, 2012

dancing about with Surface hardware was fun and all, Microsoft has now rolled out a new Surface advertisement that is at least a little less flashy (though it still spins around in this commercial a little) and instead takes a slightly deeper look at the hardware itself and quickly mentions a few of the key apps present (like Skype, etc). The commercial is called “Groove”, according to its YouTube description. It is only thirty seconds in length, yet I like it. The simplicity of the commercial does what it needs to, and quickly. Sure, it doesn’t go into a ton of details, but it really doesn’t have to. These kind of “teaser commercials” are about getting customers to think “Dang, that looks sexy. Maybe I should learn some more about it”, these customers then head to the net and do a bit deeper research– or so that’s the theory on how that should work. I enjoyed other Microsoft commercials recently, such as the first Surface RT commercial, but this one seemed to cut the chase a whole lot quicker in my opinion. It didn’t pan out away from the Surface and seemed more focused on the tablet itself, and not people dancing with it. Either way, Microsoft has done an excellent job of beefing up its advertising efforts for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Is it paying off? Honestly it seems to depend on who you ask. There is so many “up and down” theories about how Windows 8, Windows RT and Windows Phone 8 is doing. Some say great, some say awful. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. The ecosystem is still being developed and Microsoft hasn’t completely found its groove, but that doesn’t mean isn’t doing well…. it is, it just is still starting out at the same time. What do you think of this latest commercial? Like it, or is one of the other Microsoft commercials your current favorite? [ source ]]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I like this! It’s a good follow up to the first one. While the first commercial was all about “feeling” and the excitement (which I think it needed), this one shows off more of what it is and what it can do. Showing off some of the OS, along with the apps, etc., that are available is good. And ending with the Office apps is sort of powerful. It’s a huge selling point, and they show it in a subtle but clear way. It’s like they’re saying, “Yes! You can play games and watch movies and skype! Oh, and by the way… it has office too!”

    S. Kyle Davis November 27, 2012 9:32 am Reply
  • I think the commercial is very entertaining and makes me want to learn more about the product. So far, Microsoft is doing a pretty decent job marketing the Surface RT. I believe that they need to keep making new commercials, keep putting the Surface in people’s faces, and keep people wanting to know more. I really hope Microsoft markets the hell out of the Surface. I want to see this tablet succeed. I want to see it sell really well. I’m sold on the Surface, and will be purchasing one for a Christmas present to myself and another one for my wife shortly after. Keep up the great marketing Microsoft. It will be worth it and you will have a winner on your hands.

    Anthony November 27, 2012 9:50 am Reply

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