New Video Shows The Windows Blue Start Button In Action

June 6, 2013

As far as the upcoming refresh of Windows 8 is concerned, we have many confirmed features and a whole bunch of unconfirmed ones that have been unearthed by the community via leaked builds.

But one thing we know for sure is that Windows Blue is going to bring back the Start Button — even though it will not launch the Start Menu as many would have hoped.

The Start Button in Windows 8.1 will actually take users to the Start Screen. Redmond is obviously pretty confident that people would have little use of another menu when they can replace it with a screen full of Live Tiles and whatnot.

And now we may have our first look at how the Start Button functions in Windows Blue in a new video.

You can watch this in the clip below. But please be warned that some viewer discretion is advised, as the video contains language that may offend. Other than that, it shows the Start Button in all its animated detail and how it takes users to the Start Screen.

As you can see in the video, the Start Button is always visible on the desktop and can be easily accessed by moving the mouse in the lower left corner. As expected, it disappears when entering the Metro user interface.

Microsoft will also reportedly provide users with a dedicated option to turn the Start Button off completely, in case they feel like doing so.

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Microsoft · Windows Blue News

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Didn’t he mean “O yhea, just installed Windows 8 and added a fake start button to troll on YouTube.”? Because that’s not Windows 8.1, but just the current 8: the Windows versions with a startbutton show an arrow on the left bottom corner to move to the ‘All apps’ view, the Camera app has a blue tile instead of pink, the startbutton is located in the corner, and not 10 pixels toa the left and doesn’t has the visual style of a button like IE or Explorer! You just failed.

    Loller1 June 6, 2013 2:36 pm Reply
  • Notice how, when returning to the desktop (after clicking the “Start Button”), that the button is still lit and takes a second or so to fade away. Fake. I’ve made something that is pretty much identical to this in Visual Studio, and that auto-exit delay on click is something that I can’t stop. Neither can this guy, obviously.

    And by the way, the “Developer Preview” of Windows 8 had the “Start Button” as well. It, however, did NOT suffer from this active border issue on the taskbar icon. Windows 8.1 will see the return of the button that was there in the Dev Preview. That is all. It will STILL launch the “Start Screen” and not a menu (that will not be happening, and I am happy about that).

    MoWeb June 6, 2013 2:46 pm Reply
  • Notice how, when returning to the desktop (after clicking the “Start Button”), that the button is still lit and takes a second or so to fade away. Fake. I’ve made something that is pretty much identical to this in Visual Studio, and that auto-exit delay on click is something that I can’t stop. Neither can this guy, obviously.
    And by the way, the “Developer Preview” of Windows 8 had the “Start Button” as well. It, however, did NOT suffer from this active border issue on the taskbar icon. Windows 8.1 will see the return of the button that was there in the Dev Preview. That is all. It will STILL launch the “Start Screen” and not a menu (that will not be happening, and I am happy about that).

    MoWeb June 6, 2013 2:46 pm Reply

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