New Windows 8 rumors from Mary Jo Foley

June 27, 2011

I’m now hearing there’s a different timetable for Windows 8. I’ve received new information from a trusted source that Microsoft is actually on track to release to manufacturing all Windows 8 versions by April 2012. I’ve also heard from my contact that Microsoft’s game plan is to deliver a beta build– not a pre-beta or preview — of Windows 8 around the time of the Build conference in mid-September. This allegedly will be the one and only Windows 8 beta, my contact said. In January 2012 or thereabouts, Microsoft will deliver a final Release Candidate (RC) test build of Windows 8, my source said. (I’m now thinking that January release is the one that leaked a while back from Dell.) And the next and final milestone after RC will be RTM. Source That’s pretty wild stuff. An April 2012 date would be awfully close. Stay tuned to a post/rant from me regarding my lack of understanding of Microsoft’s release date strategy. I’m not sure how you compel businesses to move to Windows 8 when Windows 7 will be the “mature” Microsoft Operating System by April of 2012.. *sigh*…]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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