No New Windows 10 Preview Build This Week

July 9, 2020
No New Build

Yesterday was Wednesday. And that usually means a new Windows 10 preview build rolls around for Insiders to take a for a test drive. But not week.

After dropping the massively featured packed build 20161 last Wednesday, the Windows development team is taking it easy this time. Perhaps they are working on perfecting more interesting features that will arrive soon? Or perhaps they are just taking a break?

Whatever the reason, there is no Insider Preview build this week for the Dev channel.

This is what the Windows Insider team said on Twitter:

The link points to this week’s podcast that is focused on Windows Security features, which is a pretty good listen if you want some insights into what the company is doing regarding the shields in the operating system against viruses, hackers, and cybercriminals.

As for a recap of what build 20161 brought along.

We finally have a refreshed look for the Start Menu, which is now theme-aware. There is a bit of a productivity boost with Alt + Tab that now works between apps and sites. And we have a personalized taskbar, improved notification experience, and migration of more settings from the Control Panel.

Most of these features are already available to a subset of Insiders, as Microsoft conducts A/B testing.

But you can enable a select few, like the new Start Menu, by activating it yourself from this preview build and test them out before they are made available.

Here’s hoping for a big show next week!

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Builds · Featured · Insiders · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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