received the necessary approvals from the federal communication body, which is believed to be the upcoming Nokia Lumia 630. Heat on this device has been picking up in recent weeks, with insiders claiming that the company is planning to hold a special press event on April 19, where it will announce this, and a few other Windows Phone 8.1 powered handsets. As is usually the norm, the full hardware specifications are not revealed in the FCC listing. But when it comes to connectivity options, the handset is said to be packing a WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS receiver, standard stuff, really. Diagrams show the upcoming device has a width of 66.7 mm along with height measurements of 129.5 mm — quite in line with previous leaks. The 4.5-incher with a 1280 by 720 pixel resolution screen is said to only offer onscreen navigation buttons, a notion which is expected to become standard with Windows Phone 8.1.]]>
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