Registration Now Open For Microsoft Ignite

September 4, 2020
Microsoft Ignite

What a year this has been! Back in March, Microsoft made it official that it will be holding all of its events virtually until next summer, and the company has followed through on this.

You know, with a little something called the coronavirus going on around the world these days.

We did get a pretty unique BUILD this year, complete with some digital swag. And now, the software titan has shifted attention towards its Ignite conference.

While the original Ignite was supposed to be held in New Orleans this year, it will be a virtual event. And starting today, you can register to attend. Just like the BUILD conference a few months back, this event is also free for everyone.

Sure, anyone can tune in and watch.

But you do get certain benefits when registering, including the ability to use the Microsoft schedule builder. You will also be able to network with other attendees, and access the full scope of the conference, and so on.

Now, while Redmond did actually ship out swag bags for a certain amount of people at BUILD, the company has not promised anything this time around.

If it does, though, then it is a good idea to get your registration in early.

Oh, and just for the record, this is one of the two Ignite 2020 events that Microsoft has planned. Well, technically, the second one will be held early next year, but the company made the decision to split it up into two for whatever reason.

Ready to sign up? You can do so here.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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