Rumor: Windows Blue Could Launch As Windows 8.1

April 1, 2013

What’s in a number, you ask? Development on Windows Blue is underway full steam over at Microsoft, and the company very recently confirmed the companywide Blue initiative in an official statement.

But the thing with companywide initiatives is that they usually are confidential in nature — and Redmond recently mentioned that Windows Blue is just an internal codename for the upgrade to Windows 8, and not the final title.

No confirmation on what the final name of this new OS will be (for the time being, at least) but a new leaked screenshot shows that Microsoft could call it Windows 8.1.

Interesting, to say the least!

The image recently showed up over at, and shows that Windows 8.1 build 9375 is currently under development. Now, whether this is the final designation or not remains to be seen, but a bump to 8.1 makes total sense, at least at this development stage.

Then again, consider the date the screenshot showed up online, this could just be an elaborate April Fool’s prank — you never can tell these days.

On the other hand, this much is clear that Microsoft intends to release Windows Blue as an upgrade to Windows 8, not as a complete overhaul. And if it releases it as 8.1 (albeit with a codename, like Apple does), it may very well be a sign that future upgrades could follow along this particular pattern.

Interesting, to say the least, like I said!

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I hope they keep the name “Blue”, it sounds good. And if they do, then call it Windows 8.1 Blue. 🙂

    Loller1 April 1, 2013 2:49 pm Reply
    • Fair enough! 🙂

      Fahad Ali April 1, 2013 5:57 pm Reply
    • As in what Windows is most famous for – the Blue Screen.

      Fred Bearman April 6, 2013 3:42 pm Reply

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