Silverlight to be a major part of Windows 8 – Winrumors

June 9, 2011

Silverlight apps for Xbox will likely be made available later this year alongside the new dashboard. The support would allow Windows Phone developers to port across their applications with little effort required. There’s even talk of Kinect support to allow Xbox and Windows Phone applications to be controlled in a similar way to a multitouch screen. Whatever Microsoft has planned, Silverlight is at the heart of the Xbox applications Marketplace. Windows 8 also follows a similar path. Microsoft threw its weight behind HTML5 in Windows 8 by revealing that its new Start Screen will be powered by HTML5 and JavaScript based web apps. Microsoft failed to mention Silverlight but this is an important part of the Windows 8 Start Screen. The software giant is readying a new application model codenamed “Jupiter” that will allow developers to create Silverlight based applications, deployed as AppX packages (.appx). The packages will be part of a new Windows application store, pre-installed with Windows 8. Windows Phone 7 applications will port across to AppX with little effort from developers. Source]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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