Some interesting stats about Microsoft products and services

April 27, 2022

Microsoft posted humongous earnings for its quarterly results for FY22Q3, registering revenue of $49.4 billion that was fueled by growth across pretty much all business areas.

While the earnings call itself was light on statistics, Frank X. Shaw collected and summarized some interesting stats regarding the products and services Redmond offers in a handy Twitter thread.

Yes, the same Frank X. Shaw serves as Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President of Communications.

You can take a look at the full figures in the above thread; here are some highlights:

  • The number of $100 million+ Azure deals with customers more than doubled year-on-year.
  • Visual Studio now has more than 31 million monthly active users, and this list includes most of the Fortune 500 companies.
  • GitHub saw an increase in usage among startups and independent developers, while at the same time, 90% of Fortune 100 companies already use the platform.
  • LinkedIn saw record engagement, with some 830 million people using the platform for connecting, hiring, growth, and learning.
  • Teams has never seen higher usage, while over 1,000 third-party apps are available in its store.
  • The amount of time people spend on their PCs is increasing.
  • More than 100 million PCs shipped in each of the last eight quarters.
  • Microsoft Starts now has more than 500 million active monthly users.
  • Edge is gaining market share.
  • Some 785,000 users trust Microsoft’s security solutions, for a 50% year-on-year uptick.
  • Xbox Series X and Series S were market leaders this quarter in the US, Canada, UK, and Western Europe.
  • 10 million people have now streamed games via Xbox Cloud Gaming, with the service expanding to four more countries.
  • Game Pass subscribers have played billions of hours in the past 12 months, a 45% year-on-year increase.
  • Azure gaming revenue to date in this fiscal year grew by 66%.

This paints a very healthy picture for Microsoft products and services, with Redmond experiencing growth across all its flagship offerings, such as Azure, Visual Studio, GitHub, LinkedIn, Xbox, Teams, and Microsoft 365.

Be interesting to see what kind of momentum the company manages to maintain in this next quarter!

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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