Stardock's Start8 Final Commercial Version is Here, Just $4.99

October 19, 2012

capabilities without the cost. Keep in mind that most of these alternatives aren’t going to include Modern/Metro integration into the start menu, though. What do you think, worth it or not? [ source ]]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Not worth it. i have been using 8 since the developers release. It should take no more than 15 minutes or so for the average user to understand the functionality of the 8 Desktop and tiles feature. You have three options (That I know of) for shutdown, one being right in the Charms Bar. Every application on your computer is right there in front of you, no reason to spend 5 bucks on an unnecessary app. Win 8 is a great OS as is. I’m seeing complaints similar to what was coming during the 3.11 to 95 switchover. They were unjustified then, and they are unjustified now.
    I dont even see this as being useful to novice users. When new users come on board, most are going to go right to Win 8 when they buy a new computer, thats what they are going to know. The start menu is a thing of the past.
    For users of Win 7 and other OS’s, if the learning curve is so great that you cannot figure out how to navigate your mouse from one side of the screen to the other, then you probably should just stick with Win 7 or XP or whatever OS your using, support for those OS’s will be around for quite some time.
    Win 8 is new technology and loaded with tons of new functionality, you can either move forward or stay back with what you know. Or you can start spending money to turn this new tech into old tech.

    Jeffrey Jarriel October 19, 2012 8:26 am Reply
    • I like the new interface but I really miss RECENT DOCUMENTS. Where is that in 8?

      garak0410 October 19, 2012 12:18 pm Reply
      • hmmm you know what i forgot about that one never used it much though, as long as you have the app pinned to the taskbar, simply right click that instead and you’ll find all the recent files opened with that program.
        This applies to word, photoshop, blender and a wide range of other applications.
        other than that ‘search’ (start typing on the start screen) can help you fin whatever file you’re looking for quickly too.

        DigitalWolf October 19, 2012 12:39 pm Reply
    • It’s nice to see people who actually USE Windows 8 instead of basing their judgments on what other people have said. There is no need for a “start menu app”. If you can’t see that your apps are on the Start Screen, then there’s a problem. Better yet, put your most used apps on the taskbar of the desktop screen like you’ve been able to do since Windows XP.

      Digital Syrup October 22, 2012 5:17 am Reply
  • Not worth of it. Every Linux desktop brings you this functionality free of charge.

    Jorma Valli October 19, 2012 1:27 pm Reply

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