Microsoft, clearly the company to talk lots and lots of numbers, has surely been coy when it comes to sharing sales details of its newest operating system. Apart from the figure of 60 million licenses, that is.
Steve Ballmer, the CEO of the company, however likes to make the most of the media time he gets, and talks about Windows 8. Just recently Mr. B said that he thought Windows 8 is a terrifically successful product.
The head of Microsoft was talking about Chicago’s technology opportunity at the Merchandise Mart in the Windy City. And according to Chicago Sun-Times, he touched upon the company’s newest platform, calling Windows 8 — wait for it — Microsoft’s latest success.
He also gave an overview of Microsoft’s efforts in the cloud computing and data visualization fields while maintaining that both Windows 8 and the Windows Store are successful products.
And that’s that.
If you are wondering whether the Redmond boss added anything to prove his point, then I am afraid you will be disappointed. It was the same old story, the same “60 million licenses in two months” line to back his statement.
Oh, and the fact that the number of apps in the flagship Windows Store is four times bigger than what it was at launch. Some may even say this is just sweet Apple talk — twice the amount of RAM, double the performance and all that.
Still, while it can be argued that whether both Windows 8 and Windows Store are successful or not, this much is certain that they still have a fair bit to go before they can be labeled outright failures.
Microsoft will be holding its breath as it gets ready to unleash the Windows Blue update later this year.
All Comments
Can he say win8 is not a successful product? But technically, it is a good product as it breathes new life to my old computer. But to hardware vendors, that could mean delayed hardware upgrade and loss of sales. It’s success if he means I would save money.
I also like windows 8. But reports label it worse than vista…
It’s been 2 months and i still haven’t got usef to the whole metro UI
Still waiting for the Instagram and flipboard application’s availability from the Store.
I don’t know why the brad said it’s successful.