Surface Duo press images leak out

August 10, 2020
Surface Duo AT&T

Just like back in the good old days. The Surface Duo is apparently just a few weeks away from launch. But the device sure has been making waves prior to its release later this month.

There is another leak that confirms its impending arrival.

And this time, it’s in the form of press images that have been leaked by none other than Evan Blass. The notorious phone leaker is back in business, and has shared some official looking pictures of the AT&T version of the Surface Duo.

He notes that these photos are a leak of the Microsoft Surface Duo for AT&T, which suggests that the company has partnered with the carrier to offer the Duo.

That said, there is no network branding, which should come as no surprise as according to rumors, the device supports all major carriers in the United States. It’s just that these particular images are of the AT&T variant of this dual-screen foldable handset.

Speaking of the images, here you go:

We get to see what looks like a flash in the top-right corner of the Duo. The next picture shows the device in the open and closed position, displaying the home screen. And yet another image gives us an idea of the preinstalled applications that will come out the box in the smartphone.

It is likely that we just have to wait a couple more weeks before learning all the final details of the device. But so far, it’s shaping up nicely.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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