Surface Pro 128GB Back In Stock At Best Buy

March 1, 2013

Microsoft may have announced expanded international availability of the Surface Pro in the near future, but the primary objective of the company remains satisfying demand at home.

Amazing demand, as Microsoft put it, actually.

Redmond also recently said that it was working with partners to make more units of the 128GB model available in retail stores across the United States and Canada. And the efforts seem to be paying off.

While the device is still comes with an out of stock tag on Microsoft’s website, Best Buy has apparently started shipments of the 128GB model. Best Buy is yet to officially confirm this, but the slate definitely seems to be available on its website.

And call this a paradox, but the 64GB version of Surface Pro is no longer available for ordering on the website. It is listed as “Not Available for Shipping”.

Those of you who want the cheaper, lower capacity model will seemingly have to go and grab the tablet personally by visiting the Best Buy stores in the United States.

It remains to be seen when the slate becomes available at other places, but there is little reason to doubt Microsoft may have ramped up production ahead of the March promise it made to take care of supply issues.

Potential buyers are still waiting to get their hands on the devices — fingers crossed that good news is just around the corner when it comes to the availability of the 128GB Surface Pro.

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Microsoft Surface Pro

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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