Surface Wi-Fi Bug Still Not Fixed In Latest Patch Tuesday Updates

March 14, 2013

Some bugs just refuse to die. This seems to be the case as much in the real world as it is in the world of technology. The Wi-Fi issues that has plagued several Surface tablets is one such problem with a never say die attitude.

Redmond announced that the most recent Patch Tuesday update came with the eagerly awaited fix for the Surface Wi-Fi problem that has affected both the RT and Pro versions of the tablet.

But users are now reporting that the issue still persists after applying the newest updates.

A few posts on Microsoft’s official support forums show that the limited Wi-Fi connectivity scenario still exists even after Widows Update automatically deployed the latest fixes. One user said:

“Another firmware update, and the problem is still there. Registry patch re-applied.”

And another one confirmed:

“Surface Pro here. The recent firmware fix did nothing for me, either. It might possibly be worse than before. Now when I am connected, the connection works very slowly.”

As of right now, the only way around this is to apply the previous registry trick to get back Internet access on the affected tablets. It is an unofficial solution, temporary, but at least gets the job done.

Microsoft is most likely keeping an eye on these latest developments, so we can expect more on this in the coming days and weeks. The company has, however, commented that the dynamic nature of the issue makes it a tad hard to replicate and fix.

Stay tuned for more on this as it happens.

Article Categories:
Microsoft Surface Pro

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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