Survey: Majority In The US Are Unaware Of Windows Phone 8

April 11, 2013

Windows Phone 8 has finally gained some traction in many worldwide markets, but one place where it still has a long road to trek in its home country, the United States.

Microsoft has spent a considerable amount of money on marketing its mobile platform, with several successful video and print advertisements. But it may have to ramp up its efforts if we go by this new survey commissioned by MKM that queried 1,500 US consumers between March 7 and April 2.

The results, published by Barron’s leave a fair bit to be desired.

When asked whether they are aware that phones running Windows Phone 8 were available for purchase, 60.5 percent of the respondents answered in negative. The same group, when inquired of their interest in the Windows Phone platform, responded with 63.9 percent saying no.

Quite some damning numbers, as the report details:

“While the WP8 OS is gaining in popularity, a disturbing number of respondents (50%) who were aware that WP8 handsets were available for purchase couldn’t associate a handset brand to the OS. In particular Nokia is lost in the shuffle, despite its early standing as a Microsoft partner. Only 19% of respondents are aware that Nokia has a Windows 8 phone [sic], trailing Samsung at 26% and HTC at 21%.”

For better or for worse, Microsoft is not alone in this little conundrum — BlackBerry’s situation is even worse. The same survey reveals that 82.6 percent of US consumers were unaware that BlackBerry 10 had launched in Europe and Canada in January:

“We were surprised that only 13% expect the BB10 to be available in the U.S. immediately or within the next 30 days. In fact the survey was administered between March 7th and April 2nd, 2013, which bracketed AT&T’s (March 22nd), T-Mobile’s (March 26th) and Verizon’s (March 28th) Z10 U.S. launches by about two weeks. The ineffectiveness of BlackBerry’s marketing plan is highlighted by the 63% of respondents who were completely unsure as to when the BB10 would be released in the U.S.”

Still this is nothing to take solace in. The United States is far too big a market to ignore, more so when it comes to technology, and Microsoft would do well to make some ground in its home country, as far as the Windows Phone platform is concerned.

Analysts have hinted that Redmond should increase its focus on the United States as well as China, the two countries where Windows Phone adaption still remains abysmally low.

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Windows Phone 8

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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