Take Our Poll: Who would be a better CEO, Nadella or Elop?

January 31, 2014

mischief poll. The issue of who Microsoft’s CEO will be seems to be something that will be resolved soon and that’s a good thing. While there are many options on the table, I haven’t been shy about saying who’s the hands down favorite. Having said that, let’s have some fun this Friday and take a little poll. I’d like to know who you think would make a better CEO – Satya Nadella or Stephen Elop. Take the poll below and leave your comments saying why at the end of the page. ]]>

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Satya Nadella

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Elop ftw!

    ECFbalutza January 31, 2014 7:40 am Reply
  • For some reason, I just do not trust Stephen Elop in the least!

    Rodney Longoria January 31, 2014 9:57 am Reply
  • Can MSFT benefit from aggressive acquisitions so as to expand into a larger playing field? Or do we need to look inward and apply the surgeon’s scalpel? Probably E. would be best if the first question’s answer is Yes, and the second question is No. If not, then N. END

    Lelax January 31, 2014 10:08 pm Reply

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