The critical importance of the upcoming Windows 8 Release Candidate (RC)

March 28, 2012

Windows Vista, it was this deluge and outpouring of negative energy regarding the OS. The beta was awful and the word on the street was that this wasn’t going to be successful. With Windows 7, there quickly seemed to be a more disciplined and positive feel to the OS. Development dates were met and what we did see, (for the most part) we liked. Correspondingly, there was an excitement and anticipation for this OS and it turned out to be a massive success.

So where are we with Windows 8?

We’ve seen a Windows 8 Developer Preview and a Windows 8 Consumer Preview and so far, the feedback has been very diverse. A lot of consumers simply seem to hate the change. The OS is very different from Windows 7 and it seems like there will be a steep learning curve getting up to speed with this OS. There have been a bunch of analysts (and a smaller subset of users) who are excited about Windows 8. Understandably, they are excited about Microsoft going in a new direction and they want to give the Redmond giant the benefit of the doubt.

How do I feel about Windows 8 today?

I think that based on what I have seen so far, there are a substantial amount of structural and architectural changes that still need to be made.
  • It needs to be more intuitive.
  • It needs to start at the desktop and not Metro.
  • The start button should come back.
  • There needs to be more separation between Metro and the traditional Windows desktop.
There are many other issues that I could identify but at this point, it would be redundant. Fundamentally, this Operating System has to solve a Windows 7 problem or enhance Windows 7 in some tangible way. At this point, I dont think it does. The new UI enhancements like more detailed file copying information or IE 10 (many of which I love) are enhancements that would be just as good in a Windows 7 Service Pack. By themselves, they aren’t a catalyst for a necessary upgrade. I cannot overstate the importance of Microsoft getting the Windows 8 Release Candidate right. Based on discussions with a lot of my peers and fellow bloggers, there is a general suspicion that while Microsoft may be paying attention to the Micro feedback (colors, UI elements, charms, branding etc), they are less receptive to Macro feedback (separation of Metro etc). If true, that would be unfortunate. The Microsoft community has shown (with Windows Vista) that they don’t have to move to a new Operating System just because it is released. Without question, there is a substantial risk of a mass boycott of Windows 8 if the RC doesn’t address both the Macro and Micro changes necessary to make this thing fly. The boycott wouldn’t necessarily be a flamboyant, open rebellion, it would probably just come in the form of a quiet indifference. In my case, I have Windows 8 on a tablet and on my laptop and (at this point) don’t see any reason to use it day to day. It has turned out to be a great source of screenshots and research but I don’t see it replacing my Windows 7 Ultimate PC anytime soon. I know at least 10 other influential bloggers who feel this way but since I don’t work for a large media juggernaut, I have the guts to say it out loud. The Windows 8 Release Candidate is possibly going to decide the fate of Microsoft Windows for years to come. I’m hoping to eat my words and be blown away by the RC. Enough from me, what about you?
  • What do you think of Windows 8 so far?
  • What are you looking for in the Windows 8 Release Candidate?
Use the comments below and let the world know…]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I tried the Windows 8 RC a couple of weeks ago and was really disappointed.    I did not like the interface, and it took longer to find the things on my drive that I use regularly.  I used it for 3 days, and decided that if Microsoft ever wants me to upgrade to windows 8, it better be free and better than windows 7, or I will never use microsoft again.

    starman5409 March 28, 2012 1:40 pm Reply
    • You mean the Windows 8 consumer Preview – The Windows 8 RC is due out in a few months…

      Onuora Amobi March 28, 2012 1:44 pm Reply
      • I agree your comments as usual are spot on Onuora!  We need the start button back and a compelling reason to leave the excellent Win 7

        Robert Rooks March 28, 2012 2:06 pm Reply
  • Perfectly stated. Those four bullet points are spot on. The Windows desktop is as it is because it works so well. I don’t mind the Metro start screen, but it needs to be optional. I actually didn’t realize just how handy the Start button was until they took it away. It needs to remain.
    Also, solving some sort of problem of Windows 7 needs to happen. As is, Windows 8 makes things more complex and awkward without bringing enough benefits to the table.I also agree that while some little things, like the more detailed file copy window, are very welcome, they are not enough to warrant a purchase. I would love to see that one feature in a Windows 7 update, but with Windows 8 so close to release, I doubt that will happen. 
    In a tablet environment, I think Windows 8 can do very well. If it offers the same app store as Windows Phone 7, I will gladly get one.
    In it’s current state, sadly, I cannot recommend it. Back to Windows 7 for me.

    Robert Burnham March 28, 2012 1:46 pm Reply
  • I Like it. I love how fast it boots and the lock screen is bretty cool. My brother has a Sune and he says its just like it. I dont like that retro look though. That and the unecessary apps take up too much space on a hard drive. I have alot of expectations for windows 8 because I promised myself if ait turned out bad, I’m switching over to Apple. Microsoft should blend 8 and 7 together, the transfer window and the boot speed. I love it. Everything is fine, jut get rid of the annoying home screen with all the apps. I miss how it goes straight to the desktop.

    4scoresn7yrsago March 28, 2012 1:54 pm Reply
  •  I have an old ME that works just great along side my HP slimline with Vista, and have a laptop with Windows 7, plus my Ipad2.
     I am 64 and using the windows 7 has been so hateful because half the websites do not work, and almost daily I have to go to MS support to learn how to do something on it.
     My Vista, works great with very minimal issues like, (mine is 64bit), but every website loads both 64 and 32 bit and I know because the screen blinks in changing to 32bit.
     I had an old computer (AMD-64) only 2 years old, and downloaded the preview of windows 8.
     My opinion is that I wil for sure go to the Apple brand when it comes out because I do not have time to go to MS’s websites to learn how to just open a page, or navigate the system.
     My ipad has shown me there is something far better out there, so I will chenge to MAC.
     I replace my computers every 2 years and am planning on doing so this August, but if MS wants to kill itself by forcing people to change their way, then it’s time for MS to make cell phones and get out of the computer business.
     By the way,
     Outstanding articles and newsletters you send.

    Scorpian562004 March 28, 2012 1:55 pm Reply
    • More and more of you are talking about Apple…pretty disturbing..

      Onuora Amobi March 28, 2012 2:08 pm Reply
  • I like the metro look and feel but when I am in windows 8 my tower seems to run a lot of the time. It did not with windows 7.  I am looking for the ability for metro ie to be able to add add-ons to it.  I am also looking for the start button to come or at least to have the shutdown, restart, log-out, and lock features to be at least right on the start screen without me having to put them there.

    Everett March 28, 2012 2:36 pm Reply
    • I haven’t heard too many performance complaints about Windows 8. Interesting about your tower continuously running…

      Onuora Amobi March 28, 2012 6:05 pm Reply
  • Start with the Start button – it works – put it backMetro MUST be an option – sorry for shoutingI don.t ever want to have to go to MS Shop – Metro apps must be able to be obtained and installed from any sourceOR: Apple get ready for mass influx of XWindows patrons

    Michael March 28, 2012 3:15 pm Reply
  • Onuora, I enjoy your posts and for the most part, I agree with you. My problem with going directly to the Start menu (Metro), is that it’s pretty darn ugly to look at. I wished they had a way to customize it better. Why not make the tiles where we can adjust transparency or add our tile color or perhaps an image tile background? Then, I’d like to segregate tiles into a group in which I can name that group and manage them better. The look of the Metro Start is kind of cheesy and not artistically designed in the least, in my opinion. What the heck do we have 64-bit computing for if it seems to look like 16-bit from yesteryear? What’s wrong with this picture. Yes, this is cosmetics that I’m scratching my head over. To Microsoft: impress me! Surely you employ a great graphics group. I will not be going to Apple, in any case. I get trying to create an OS that’s cross-platform. But that seems to me being downright lazy. And the part about end-users discovering the nuances in the interface speaks like trying to find hidden Easter eggs. I don’t have the time to go searching every nook and cranny to be more productive. Who does? Cute, but not very effective.
    And while I’m at it, I wished MS would do something about the Bing toolbar. It sucks that I cannot customize it other than the spoon-fed crap. And it’s a touch too big a footprint. I use Yahoo’s toolbar only because I can add my own links that I frequently need at hand without having to click anywhere else.
    Ok, I’ve said enough for now. Thanks Onuora!

    Rodney Longoria March 28, 2012 4:04 pm Reply
    • Thank you Rodney! Nice to get your opinion…

      Onuora Amobi March 28, 2012 6:07 pm Reply
  • From what I have found out from my testing supervisor at MS, the one thing that is not being commented on by anyone is that you can change the GUI to look like windows 7 if this makes it any better. That one thing alone should be able to sell a lot of copies as from the readers comments I have read here and in other posts, most people are really satisfied with windows 7.

    Daniel Gray March 28, 2012 4:17 pm Reply
    • Ok David, how can I change the GUI to look like Windows 7?

      Rodney Longoria March 28, 2012 4:40 pm Reply
  • My needs are simple. I have a couple of applications on my Win XP/Win 7 desktop that I like to run on a tablet. I am thinking of a 7″ tablet that I can carry around easily. At the moments, doing that on the Ipad or any of the Android tablets is out of the question. I am hoping to achieve that in the coming Win 8 OS.
    Then again, I find that the Metro interface is mainly eye-candy. There is a lot of stuff that I would like to disable or remove. My personal preference is a lean & mean tablet that is basically businesslike.
    Thanks, Onuora, for your great posts.

    YK Wee March 28, 2012 5:03 pm Reply
  • Onuora, i feel you are confused and whatever you are talking about in your posts you don’t know it. Do you drink while you write them or you write them while you drink. You are funny man. But I can forgive you because you are messed in your head.

    Unknown March 28, 2012 9:13 pm Reply
    • Thanks! If you haven’t blogged with a gin and tonic in your hand, you haven’t lived let me tell you.

      Onuora Amobi March 28, 2012 10:19 pm Reply
  • You answered your own question. All the changes you wanted take the OS back to a Windows 7 layout. Then you say:
    ‘By themselves, they aren’t a catalyst for a necessary upgrade.’
    Therefore there is no need for Microsoft to do any upgrade at all. You really just want the status quo to remain.
    But Microsoft has a much bigger picture in mind that is a bit more controversial, and which seems to have been missed by most complainers – it is aiming at touch screen interactivity on the desktop/ laptop as well as the tablet. As soon as you include this the picture changes.
    As it is your prognostications are based on the way things are, not the way things will be. It was the same when the iPhone was released. ‘It hasn’t got a keyboard’, they said. ‘Business won’t like it, they’ll stick to their Blackberries’ … and so on. But people did like it in spite of the pundits and Blackberries are history.
    I think Microsoft is going to change the way most people interact with computers. Keyboards are office equipment and most people don’t want to be office bound for most of the time. Touch, voice, and gesture are the way of the future. W8 is just the first round of a big change that is coming.

    Willem March 28, 2012 10:00 pm Reply
    • Yeah but there are two major differences.
      1) I know the bigger picture they have in mind and I factor that in to all my reviews/opinions.
      2) People criticized the iPhone before they used it. I have used a Windows 8 Tablet and Desktop.
      Thanks for the opinion though.

      Onuora Amobi March 28, 2012 10:26 pm Reply
    • Basically, you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Walk into almost any business, from Alcon Labs, to Chase Bank, to Dallas County government, to my doctors office, to my car dealershipship, to whatever – they are all still running XP. Are you really silly enough to think that just because MS wants them to switch to Metro, that they are going to?
      Forget the fact that Metro is butt-ugly and that there is no Start Menu. These businesses are in business to make money for themselves, NOT Microsoft. The loss of productivity of changing to W8  will be enormous. Throw in the cost of training and buying into your idea of buying NEW touch hardware and you have a sure LOSER.

      Junkfilter March 29, 2012 12:40 pm Reply
      • Those are important considerations. You’re right…

        Onuora Amobi March 29, 2012 12:50 pm Reply
  • I have been running Win 8 on a Toshiba NB100 (it is fitted with a SSD) and has become quite useful because Win 8 seems to be so much faster than Win7. I would buy Win8 for the performance hit alone. I have not come to grips with the start screen not sure how that has helped me out. Its trying to be like a phone screen but its not quite as good, could be the apps are not up to speed yet. 

    Skipdnz March 28, 2012 11:56 pm Reply
    • Good to hear. High end hardware does make a difference perception wise…

      Onuora Amobi March 29, 2012 6:41 am Reply
  • I have no problems with win8, i like it. Mi old laptop works great with it…! The first days, i missed the start button, but now I’m used to to it…
    Win8 seams so much faster than Win7 to me. In the preview version, not all my hardware and software works, in the consumer preview, no problem at all – peace of cake.
    So, I’m looking forward for the definitive version of Win8.
    Sorry for my pour English, I’m a poor Belgian… :-))

    SteGo March 29, 2012 1:39 am Reply
    • Your English is fine. Thanks for the feedback…

      Onuora Amobi March 29, 2012 6:40 am Reply
  • thanks Onuora to share your posts which i am not alone to have such feeling about Win8 OS. 
    i have been running Win 8 OS with my TOSHIBA Satellate L740 laptop for a long time, it is really not friendly to used. all of devices relate information not easy to get, (such as driver version,hw version…..)
    i have to say, i want my ” start ” back.

    Clark2220 March 29, 2012 2:47 am Reply
  • OMG you poor poor people.  I can’t believe what most of you are saying about the new metro interface and that MS are being lazy in making a multi-platform OS.  I have been using windows since 3.1 and 3.11 for workgroups and have found it to be mostly excellent over the years.  Now MS have FINALLY decided to update their image a bit, but from the sounds of it most of you would like to remain in “the good old days” with just the desktop and the all important “start” button.  Can I ask what the point of any of yourselves even upgrading your pc’s or OS’ses would be when obviously your all happy with 3.1 still.  |I myself love the metro interface ( it’s far better than looking at a desktop full of little icons for all your apps and such and I find that now since we are working on much faster machines I would like an OS that can keep up with me and my machine.  For too long we have been held back by the OS as to what we can accomplish in a certain amount of time because of speed and compatibility of drivers and such.  I originally dual-booted Win 8 CP with my Win 7 but now have got rid off 7 and only have 8.  So far I have only found one or 2 things that don’t work on 8 and that is my motherboard installer app and for some reason I can’t for the life of me get Flash to work on the IE which it strange granted but what the hey it’s only the CP so that doesn’t matter too much. If most of you have a problem with 8 at this stage in development then may I suggest you wait a little bit because it sounds to me that your all little children and want all your sweets now. 🙂 It’s long overdue for a BIG change to happen and I’m glad it is coming. Just one last thing about Win 8 that I like is the fact that my machine now starts-up and closes down superfast like in 5 to 7 seconds so I don’t have to hang around ages to make sure it closes down anymore.  Anyway that’s just me and going by what a lot are saying I’ll have even more bandwidth from MS in future so by all means you go over to MAC, I can’t see it bothering Bill too much 🙂

    Pegasus_ted March 29, 2012 3:56 am Reply
    • You can’t install flash on the Metro version of IE 10 but you can on the desktop version.
      You see, i don’t think that people complain just because they don’t want change.
      I for one welcome change and i even think that Windows 8 does not go far enough.It was an interesting concept to try to build one O.S to rules them all, from smartphones to high end work stations. However the key is to take the time to correclty build such an O.S and to do it right.And unfortunately Microsoft seems to not have done it right.I say seems, because i am waiting for the R.C to have a final judgement.
      One of the main problem of Windows 8 is that it is optimized primarily for tablets while tablets do not represent, and certainly will not represent anytime soon, the majority of P.C.Even worse the differences between Metro U.I and AERO U.I are way too significant, the latter being way prettier than the former. I personnaly find Metro too flat, too basic and not enough eye candy compared to AERO for example.So either Microsoft should have metrofied significantly more the desktop or more likely Metro should have been as pretty as AERO Glass.
      An interesting thing would have been to have:*A light mode where the desktop would be much closer to Metro U.I in term of design, to be lighter and faster, for low end devices and tablets*A Eye Candy Mode where the Metro U.I would be closer in prettyness to AERO with cool transitions and efficient use of transparency for desktops, laptops and high end tablets
      Whatever the mode, Metro apps and even the Metro Start Screen should have been usable in Windows on laptops, tablets plugued in a dock and connected to a big/high resolution monitor and especially desktops. And last but not the least the U.I must have been more customizable.If we want less liberty and less customizations options, than we would have chosen Apple devices especially idevices.
      If Microsoft had managed to offer consistent U.I design between Metro and the desktop, more customizations capabilities as well as an optimized mode for desktops and laptops, than i think that Windows 8 would have had a much better reception.

      Timiteh March 29, 2012 5:24 am Reply
      • I love your summary
        “It was an interesting concept to try to build one O.S to rules them all, from smart phones to high end work stations. However the key is to take the time to correctly build such an O.S and to do it right.”

        Onuora Amobi March 29, 2012 6:39 am Reply
      • Yeah I think your summary is pretty good.
        Metro can and should be a far more enriching experience – but at the present it lacks eye candy.
        Goodness me – Microsoft, our desktop Computers are capable of displaying millions of colors, and can render 3D images (like in games you know) very, very, very quickly.
        In its present implementation Metro is ALMOST great for small devices – I say almost because I can tell you now that my 16 year old daughter will not be amused in the slightest by the lack of eye candy.
        I can see the adds for Apple and Android devices now – “Eye Candy Included In This Product”.

        Michael March 29, 2012 10:38 pm Reply
    • Glad to hear you’re content…

      Onuora Amobi March 29, 2012 6:37 am Reply
    • Errmm… “a desktop full of little icons” you say – What are you banging on about? The only icon I have on my desktop is the Recycle Bin! On the task bar I have 4 Programs that I use most often pinned to it, the Start menu has 9 programs that I use fairly often pinned to it, and the rest if needed are tucked away under the All Programs option. Simple uncluttered and very efficient for the way I use my PC.
      The point here is what we want is CONTROL. We don’t want to have to use third party products to bring back simple, proven and efficient tools, that have been developed and improved over many iterations of Windows, like umm oh yeah the Start button. For desktop usage the Status Qua for GUI design is the best solution.
      Metro is great for small devices keep it for that.

      Michael March 29, 2012 10:29 pm Reply
  • mornoffi windows 8 preview it’s ok tank onuora

    Mornoffi March 29, 2012 4:16 am Reply
  • It hard putting into words just exactly what I perceive Windows 8 to be. But I agree that the interfaces that constitutive Windows Traditional and Metro need to be separated. I’m also discouraged when you mentioned that Microsoft seems to be less receptive to Macro feedback (separation of Metro etc.) but I’m a realist, and let’s face it Microsoft has done this before. Take Vista for example, no I’d rather not. Windows 8 has a long way to go before it will ever be fully accepted in the enterprise. Organizations want simplicity and stability not a radical shift. This is why a great deal of organizations side stepped Vista when it was introduced. This is a test for Microsoft, can they listen to negative comments concerning Windows 8 and improve it, and make it shine, or will they cower and cover they heads and push forward trying to force the industry to access what they produce, the choice is theirs.

    darkpr0fit March 29, 2012 5:40 am Reply
  • I agree that Windows 8 R.C will be critical for the overall success of Windows 8, though seing how stubborn Mr Sinofsky is, i don’t think that the Windows 8 R.C will be that much different compared to Windows 8 Consumer Preview.
    However, if Microsoft intend to bring some significant changes to Windows 8, i expect that they take in consideration the following things:
    * Exactly the same U.I can not work as well for both tablets and desktops/laptops
    * The differences between Metro and the desktop are too significant
    * All the devices are not low end
    Taking in account this i expect that they bring those 4 significant improvements:
    2 Modes for the design of the U.I:*A light mode where the desktop would be much closer to Metro U.I in term of design, to be lighter and faster, for low end devices and tablets
    *A Eye Candy mode where the Metro U.I would be closer in prettyness to AERO GLASS with cool transitions, much less flatness and efficient use of transparency for desktops, laptops and high end tablets
    2 behavior modes of the U.I:
    *A Tablet mode similar to the current U.I but with a more emphasy of touch for the desktop similar to the touch mode for Office 15
    *A desktop mode where Metro apps and even the Metro Start Screen can be usable in Windows and where Metro U.I would be even more touch and mouse friendly.
    Both Tablet and desktop modes should be usable with either light U.I mode or Eye Candy mode, as Eye candy would be better for mid to high end devices.
    Though i perfectly know that this can’t happen unless Microsoft push back the Windows 8 release or has been already secretly implementing these improvements.I expect for Microsoft that Windows 8 tablets and convertible will be very successful as otherwise Windows 8 will be a flop, not of epic proportion but similar to Vista. And for the record i really like Vista. In fact i liked more Vista then what i have seen of Windows 8 up to now.

    Timiteh March 29, 2012 5:44 am Reply
  • It needs to be able to run on low-res devices

    Chester Roberts March 29, 2012 9:22 am Reply
  • I like REAL things, and not the abstract. If the Metro UI must be used, I think it would be great if it looked like real materials such as glass (i.e. Aero), wood, metal, rock, etc. Then users (of touch screen devices) would feel like they were touching something real.
    I strongly agree that the start button must be put back into Windows 8. People who use PCs for work (a large percentage of Microsoft customers) want the desktop because it improves productivity when compared to Metro. If the Metro UI was significantly enhanced, and much more customizable, then it could possibly replace the desktop and still meet users needs. Then the OS would be “moving forward” without sacrificing productivity (and CUSTOMERS). Whether any  business survives, thrives, or dies is based on it’s customers and how it serves them (their needs and wants). Microsoft must take into serious consideration the feedback we give them and make substantial changes to Windows 8 (as it is now) or people will simply not “upgrade” and much of the potential revenue that Microsoft expects from their new OS will be lost. Worse yet (for Microsoft), they may lose many customers to Apple. Viruses are already making Windows users want a less vulnerable OS and Macs are known for their lack of viruses. Does Microsoft really want to give people more reasons to switch to Macs? Even the free Linux operating systems are better than what I’ve seen in Windows 8 so far.
    I agree, Onuora, that Windows 8 must present some reason for people to upgrade from Windows 7 if it is going to be successful. The question for me is, “What will Windows 8 offer me (that I really need), that Windows 7 cannot offer me? The answer must be something that is worth me spending lots of money while in a difficult economy. I think the reasons to upgrade should include new (and useful)
    functionality, an improved and more productive, interface, better security, etc., and they should
    be much better than what is expected in a Service Pack. I (like many others right now because of high gas prices, high food prices, and high unemployment rates), don’t have extra money lying around to throw at an OS that I don’t need.

    Matt March 29, 2012 9:55 am Reply
  • Windows 8 is faster than Windows 7 out of the box. It runs lesser processes and consumers lesser ram. Isn’t that already enough for you to consider the upgrade?

    Soigneerin March 30, 2012 4:59 am Reply
  • I have been reading your articles for several months now and am quite surprised that you and a large portion of the people upset with Windows 8 just dont get it.  Of your 4 points the only one I can agree with completely is the first one.  Windows 8 does need to be more intuitive.  How to do that, is a good question, and one Microsoft needs to be really think about.
    Now for your other points the key mistake that you and every other complainer seems to make is base on an ideology of a separation of PCs and Tablets.  This is a very, very, very, (did I say very enough?) short sighted view.
    Lets see where that comes from.  The probelm is 2 fold.  Tablets are a very portable solution, but in order to make that work, they use very energy efficient processors that really would not work for most desktop solutions.  Processors that can handle the load of computing applications that run on the destop are not the ideal solution as laptops now have a limit of around 4 to 6 hours and weight is far from that in a good tablet. 
    So when Microsoft set off to design a more portable OS, they decided not to look at the hardware available now, but where hardware will be in 4 to 6 years.  When you do this, the hardware of tablets and desktops merge.  When Intel makes an 11nm CPU, it will run like todays Sandy Bridge processor and still give a portable PC 12 hours of battery life.  Apple sees this as well, it is why they are also going about merging OSes. 
    The thing is that Apple has the market share, Microsoft doesnt.  It is imparitive to succeed in this new market.  In order to do that, they need to create a reason for people to pick up these different portable devices.  Their solution is pretty smart.  They have and no one disputes the lionshare of the PC world.  With Metro Apps that work on PCs, Phones and the short futured current tablet market, the draw to these devices increases.  Removing Metro from the desktop defeats the whole purpose.
    Now lets get back to Windows 8.  It has to be this bridge to the future.  It needs to be a portable OS that works on all hardware.  It needs to be able to work without a keyboard as well as with one.  This means that the choices that they make have to keep this in mind.  Means great changes, ones that  will take getting used to.  So you like the old way things work and maybe it is easier for keyboard and mouse, but it is not good for touch at all, sorry, it has to change.  The new method is different, maybe not quite as optimized for keyboard and mouse, but still works fine, yet also works for touch.  That is a winning combination.
    You really expect MS to go back from their long term vision because you dont like change?  That is not in MS best intrest, they just have a better vision than you.  I see it, and think MS is right, you and all the other complainers are wrong.  Stop calling for MS to go back, because they cant.

    Rex March 31, 2012 12:29 am Reply
    • Wait Rexy boy… you’ll live to see the day when MS would take U-turn on windows 9 after suffering a terrible win8 sales disaster. Can’t wait to see a true sucessor of Vista. You’ll see then how all complainers were dead right! Its the people who make or break and people go where the Right-of-Choice is respecfully provided. NOT any other way around.
      p.s. I still hope MS would put their acts together before RC and provide honest option & right to choose between True Desktop/Aero UI (not Metro-ized one) and Metro UI.

      Michael April 3, 2012 8:33 am Reply
  • Businesses run app (some only one) not operating systems. Thus the version of windows they run matters little to the people making budgets. As long as they can run thier network apps and printers they’d probably just  as soon not have to talk about “windows” at all. I can run all apps I need on W8 and pretty much stopped using desktop icons @  wXP. the start orb lost its usefulness as soon as I could “windows key” + type to run/find just about everything. I look forward to a unified (where appropriate), synchronized “using” experience across my digital landscape. I look forward to the day my phone, tv, pc, music devices (car or earbuds) tablet or ocular implant is sync’d.  I love using groove, windows live and office 365 using the cloud to makemy workspaces ,my favorites, documents, preferences and onenote books available on which ever device I happened to be on at the time.

    kjbleau April 4, 2012 6:09 pm Reply
  • They have it right for a mobile platform but definately wrong for an “actual” computer.  You’re on the mark when you say Metro should be an option.  A lot of user would eventually accept and use it in that form.  The start menu/button has to come back or MS will loose, completely. 
    If forced to use Metro on the PC I won’t and will never use it on a mobile device either.  As separate opsys I’d welcome it on both.

    Chapin516 April 5, 2012 5:50 pm Reply
  • Hello everyone… First, sorry for my English, it’s not so good.. 🙂
    I have an idea for windows 8 before Microsoft releasing the windows 8 final…1. There’s many people that seems having problem to use the windows 8 on Desktop PC and Laptop, because the screen it’s not Touch Screen.. It’s also My PROBLEM too, now I’m using Laptop and it’s not Touch Screen… It’s hard to using it on my Laptop and other Desktop PC, maybe it’s because of the Metro Style of Windows 8…I think I have a solution for this problem, can Microsoft just make the other version of windows 8 that can fully function FOR DESKTOP PC or Laptop users… do u know what I mean?? Microsoft have to think this problem, please….!
    Thanks for read my Comment!! I hope my comment can be useful for everyone that have the SAME Problem with me…..

    Ivan Zhong April 7, 2012 7:03 pm Reply
    What I Myself as a Developer and a Beta tester would want to see is More Work on the Traditional UI such as the control Panel Windows and its icons need a New Look.I would Like to have the picture password feature and ablility to fake the clicks and the user Must to able to set the number of clicks Whether or not Microsoft can pursuade more developers to create completely Metro versions of their apps. THAT will be the limiting factor. I’d like to keep our folks off the Desktop view as much as possible. We really have taken a liking to the way IE works in Metro, and I can see how a great many legacy apps could move that way.A Complate Touch Based Internet Explorer 10 Build equipped with Better HTML 5 Support would be somthing great to have hands on.

    shivam April 13, 2012 1:23 pm Reply
  • Win 8, as it stands, is a pig. The non-multitasking, full-frame-only apps Metro interface is DOA in my environment. The Start screen is virtually useless IMO… the damned tiles won’t stay where they’re placed, tiles for existing apps are indistinguishable from each other, I could go on and on…

    Cd6010 May 22, 2012 12:18 pm Reply

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