The Microsoft Store finally gets the overhaul it so needed

June 30, 2021

These are changing times. Windows 11 will soon be here, with its range of improvements and enhancements. And it only made sense that Microsoft Store also had a deep look at itself.

The store doesn’t exactly have the best user interface, nor the smoothest user experience. Trying to track down the apps you want is a chore over at the repository, and downloading them often comes down to a stroke of luck — particularly the big apps and games.

Stuff that nightmares are made of.

But now, though, Microsoft is finally ready for a change.

During its Windows 11 presentation on Thursday, the software titan showed off the new UI of the refreshed Microsoft Store and confirmed that it will support a wider variety of application types. These include the UWP stuff as well as stuff built using Win32, .NET, Xamarin, Electron, Java, and more.

All in!

Microsoft Store

As for the new UI, the store sports a sleeker look, with Redmond promising an easier to use and better curated digital storefront. The company has focused on speed, and has optimized search so that finding apps and games becomes as effortless as possible.

And this comes in just at the right time, with Microsoft penning a partnership with Amazon that will see a huge variety of Android apps be housed in this new and refreshed store.

The new Microsoft Store will, of course, be available on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. It can be checked out right now, in the first ever Insider build that was made available for testing at the very start of this week.

Job well done, this!

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Design · Featured · Microsoft Store · User Interface

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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