Upfront disclaimer – I have been a critic of Windows Phone and Nokia from the beginning, that hasn’t changed.
OK, so like the rest of you, I got the news that Microsoft would be acquiring Nokia’s devices unit.
As soon as I read that, I went back into the archives to see what had been written on this blog about Nokia and Microsoft and wow, it was actually fun reading.
Having a large blog is always fun because you have a record of all the stuff you said and how it all turned out differently. 🙂
In April of 2011, after Microsoft and Nokia cemented their partnership, I said the following:
Now my take on the deal..
I’m not sure that I see the value in the union. I understand from a strategy perspective why Microsoft had to do something but I’m not sure why Nokia would be the company that was chosen.
In the united States, Nokia is hardly the sexiest brand of smartphone even though they have tremendous smartphone coverage in Europe and Asia.
I’m just not certain that long term, this can be a successful union between these two companies. There is a lot to be worked out beyond signing the papers.
How do updates get rolled out? Who has the final say with deisgn decision? How are aesthetic conflicts resolved?
I’m just not sure how their final hybrid product will take on Apple and Google’s Android phones.
In June of 2011 – Nokia vehemently denied Microsoft would buy part of it’s business.
On January 12th of last year, I wrote:
Strategic takeaway from all that is, Microsoft has no plan B for Windows Phone. Nokia is it.
Sink or swim, Windows Phone is tied to the Nokia platform for the foreseeable future.
There was even more speculation about Microsoft buying Nokia in August of 2011, January of 2012 and April 2012Â
OK, fun over.
There has been a long and strategic history with these two companies but I’ll cut through the bull and tell you why i believe this is happening and this is a mistake.
I think that the market has spoken about the Metro/Tile based interface and it’s not a success. It wasn’t a success with Windows 8 and it hasn’t been a success with Windows Phone 8.
Some might point out the fact that Windows 8 has an estimated 110 million + users but that to me isn’t relevant. It’s a lot of users but:
- It has been a long tortured road to get here;
- The number would have been a lot higher without the bad press;
- Adjusted, the rate of sales is still lower than the sales of Windows 7;
- There are a bunch of people who are just locked in for the next Microsoft product due to the scale of their market – it is what it is;
Globally though, I believe that the Metro tiles simply have not caught on. There are so many products on the market dedicated to bypassing the Start Screen (19 so far on Wikipedia ) and Windows 8.1 had to include that option because it’s that unpopular.
I believe that bleeds into Windows Phone.
According to IDC, Windows Phone has 3.9 percent of the market right now compared to IOS at 16.9% and Android at 75.3%. Now IDC also predict that Microsoft will grow to 10.2% in 4 years but they’re full of crap – it’s a guess.
This is the same company that predicted 11.6% market share for Windows Phone in 2016 – Â and predicting Windows Phone would do 20% market share in 2015 .
Here’s what we do know.
Whatever Microsoft and Nokia are doing, it ain’t working. People just aren’t flocking to the tiles in droves. Since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, here are the two options Microsoft will face with the Nokia acquisition.
- Double down and keep doing the same thing faster and more efficiently = fail
- Change Windows Phone’s interface
Unfortunately, I believe that Microsoft will do number one because number 2 would be too difficult to do.
I think Microsoft have internally decided that third place behind Android and Apple is OK. I think the company sees profitability even as number 3 (ahead of RIM).
I believe that Microsoft have given up on building an iPhone or Android killer. At this point, I believe all they want to do is complete their Windows 8 ecosystem and hopefully at some point be able to provide real value with the entire ecosystem.
I believe that so much time, energy and marketing has gone into moving to Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, the company simply cannot contemplate making any significant changes to the direction of these products.
So what next?
My prediction is that Apple and Android will continue to power ahead and make phones people want to buy. Microsoft will (for the reasons stated above) power ahead and make phones less people want to buy.
I also predict that this move will alienate phone makers and make Android (even) more attractive. Windows Phones haven’t exactly been flying off the shelves and now these phone makers have to worry about the Lumias getting preferential treatment/funding/R&D etc ?
At some point, there might less or no incentive for them to stay and fight for that market.
Bottom Line
The acquisition of Nokia technically makes sense but can’t cure the underlying problems with Windows Phone. Microsoft and their new phone division will have to dig much deeper to understand why people don’t want to buy their phones. They will need to be honest about the User Interface and attempt to fix the problem.
That’s my take.. now over to you.
What do you think about Microsoft, Nokia and the acquisition? What do you think about my analysis – accurate or bullsh$t?
Use the comments below.
All Comments
I like the hardware of Lumia phones, I like the look of them. But I don’t want to buy one. And I simply don’t know why. Maybe because I am not a fan of the OS but I am not a fan of Android either. I am clinging to my HP Pre 3 because I love WEBOS but am looking to change to another OS. Right now with IOS7 copying WebOS I might switch to an Iphone 5c because I am not willing to spend big money. I have never owned an iPhone, I am looking for a new home but Nokia Lumias don’t do it for me. Same story for the Surface RT tablets: nice hardware but the total package doesn’t interest me.
Thanks Damian.
It’s fascinating because that’s precisely the response I think Microsoft needs to look into. Why exactly people can appreciate the beauty and sentiment behind the flat tile design BUT not want to buy it.
I appreciate the comment.
Windows Phone 8 is not a big change from Windows Phone 7. There are some improvements coming with the next update that people will like. Let’s not forget that not everyone like everything about Android and iOs when they first came out, but the improved their products or at least had other features to carry and sustain their products. Like Google and Apple, over time Microsoft will make improvements to their products.
It is simple. Some people don’t like change. They are afraid of the unknown. They like it when they have the same thing every day. It doesn’t matter if they are young or old, intelligent or dumb. It is an EMOTIONAL attachment not a LOGICAL attachment. Change from Coke to Pepsi? Change from sugar to Spenda? Change from fries to fruit? Something inside (or perhaps their doctor, wife, child, parent) will get the ‘unchangable’ to change. But for those like you and Damian (just using him as an example) who can’t verbalize why although he likes the hardware but refused to change, is because of an emotional reason (and this may apply to other facets of your–and other like you guy’s life) and it is not based on logic (your article is based on negative emotion and skewed facts). Also, people make a decision to be cool (not logical) or be part of like minded people (again, not logical). Any business focuses on the people are more rational in their decisions to show how good their product is. We get it that Onuora doesn’t like Windows Phone 8. But that is ONE opinion (and a long one that we all had to read) Sorry both of you don’t like Windows 8 hardware and software. You’re missing out what millions of us enjoy.
Who needs who more? Microsoft of Nokia? Since dumping Symbian and joining Microsoft Nokia has gone down down down. Hitting bottom last year but now slowly growing (slowly). Was it worth it? Microsoft needed Nokia a few years ago but now I reckon Nokia needs Microsoft. So the big loser in the deal is Nokia. Microsoft bought Nokia MUCH cheaper than they would have just 2 years ago. There were rumours of a Nokia Android phone to boost Nokia’s sales. That now is history. HP royally screwed Palm. ROYALLY! Will Microsoft do the same? I don’t think so but I don’t see a huge comeback. 10-15% market share (what Palm used to have, then Blackberry) seems to be their goal. But this is NOT growth, this is NOT challenging Android or Apple but rather just filling the gap left by the demise of Palm and Blackberry.
Tiles are not so bad on a phone. The Start menu fiasco can be a real problem for desktop users, but phones are not 1920*1080. I liked my Windows Phone 7, and I like my Windows Phone 8 from HTC even more.
With Start8 added to Windows 8 on a desktop, my clients are happy. They find the new Office Ribbon confusing and prefer Office 2003, but have no problems with Windows 8 with Start8. Lenovo will be bundling a different Start menu with their PCs. I have not tried it.
A couple of years ago one of my clients, quite intelligent but not computer-savvy, got her first smartphone. Android on a Galaxy S2 was too complicated for her taste, so she traded it for Windows Phone 7 (I forget from whom) and had no trouble learning to use it.
Thanks AES2. Nice to hear a slightly contrarian view.
Tiles are not so bad on a phone. The Start menu fiasco can be a real problem for desktop users, but phones are not 1920*1080. I liked my Windows Phone 7, and I like my Windows Phone 8 from HTC even more.
With Start8 added to Windows 8 on a desktop, my clients are happy. They find the new Office Ribbon confusing and prefer Office 2003, but have no problems with Windows 8 with Start8. Lenovo will be bundling a different Start menu with their PCs. I have not tried it.
A couple of years ago one of my clients, quite intelligent but not computer-savvy, got her first smartphone. Android on a Galaxy S2 was too complicated for her taste, so she traded it for Windows Phone 7 (I forget from whom) and had no trouble learning to use it.
I think the purchase of Nokia makes sense in the world that Microsoft is creating – devices too. This will impact their relationships with other handset makers but in the end, if they want a good working eco-system, they need control over mobile so enterprise has the tools they can work with, Enterprise users involve the general consumer and you need devices that work in both worlds and the worlds of small business, home businesses and for entrepreneurs. I think they should get rid of the Windows name for the phone and tablet and call it something else and even redo some of the software architecture but they need to tie it all together – laptop, smartphone, tablets, xbox, software, the cloud, etc. for the individual, home, workplaces.
Makes sense.
Thanks for the comment.
I was an iPhone user for close to 5 years. I got interested in the Lumia 920 when it was first announced and bought one as soon as it was available because it sounded like a better phone. True, it still doesn’t have the # of apps that either Android or iPhone has. But I love my 920. I have a Desktop with Windows 8 Pro, a lap top with Windows 8, a tablet with Windows RT and my Lumia 920. I love the fact that everything syncs between devices almost instantly. The Lumia 920 has a superior camera to both the other devices. Close but no cigar. I’m not eligible to upgrade to the Lumia 1020 yet, but it has a camera that far surpasses anybody else’s. I agree Microsoft is protecting it’s stake here but I think it’s a good move. One other point. No other phone has a Map application that comes close to the Lumia’s Here. If you’re on a long trip like one I had recently deep into Mexico, no other phone has a drive program that will get you there without gobbling up oodles of data. But roaming in Mexico especially for data is a “gotcha” and very expensive. Don’t get me wrong. I miss some of the capabilities I had with my iPhone but all in all am happy with my choice to change..
Awesome to hear examples of people happy with their Windows Phones…
I’m sorry but this guy has no clue. First, you can’t compare Windows Phone to Android. There a lot of reasons Google came in and knocked Apple off the Smart Phone throne. First, Apple was never going to have the market share that Google has because like Blackberry iPhones were always seen as premium devices that only a percentage of the population had or could get their hands on. Android phones and tablets are sold at almost every price point. Heck, you can practically almost get some Droid phones for free. Comparing Windows Phone to Android is like expecting lightning to strike in the same place twice. It was going to be hard for MS or anyone else to come in and do the Google what they did to Apple. The time was just right for Google. Maybe if Microsoft would have switched from an OS like Windows Mobile to one like Windows Phone a long time ago, we would be talking a different story. Windows Phone is a growing platform. It’s really starting to pick up in every market but the US, and the US market is so Google-saturated. Google nor Apple’s success happened over night. A lot of people questioned some of their products when they first came out. And people who think Microsoft brought Nokia down are just crazy. Honestly before the Microsoft partnership does anyone remember the last great Nokia smart phone? If it weren’t for the deal with Microsoft, they’d be the hardware equivalent of Blackberry. Everyone keeps talking about how they used to be the top phone maker. Yeah, that was before smartphones started on the heels of feature phones. They were the Google of feature phones. Every carrier out there was practically giving away a basic Nokia phone to customers who didn’t want a high-end phone. There is no guarantee they’d be doing any better than HTC if they were making Android phones. As a matter of fact, I remember when Android was first gaining popularity. Everyone was talking about how great HTC phones were. Look where it got them. Windows Phone will be at 10% well before 2017. And if the original deal didn’t make much sense for Microsoft, what company would you rather they had partnered with. The only phone maker with a “big name in the US” other than Nokia was Samsung, and they were already face first into Android. LG or Sony Ericsson or HTC wouldn’t have been that much better.
And as for Windows 8, the last I checked Windows 8 market share has been climbing. It’s over 10% and will probably be over 15% before we know it. Who cares if it’s not out-selling Windows 7. A PC or a PC OS is not a phone. People don’t necessarily go out and get the new thing every time it comes out. That’s like saying every new iPad or Android tablet coming out is not outselling every older version within 6 months. A lot of people are heavily invested and simply just used to Windows XP and 7. Just because they’re all made by the same company doesn’t mean that something new is easily going to knock them off the hill. If Google were to make another OS other than Android, and it wasn’t the number 1 phone or tablet OS 6 months or a year in, what would you be saying then? It doesn’t matter if it comes from the same company or a different one. If people really like or are really used to one thing, they’re not changing unless you give them a really good reason. Plus, article writers like this one didn’t exactly help by basically scaring people away from Windows 8. Almost everyone I know that likes Windows 8 or at least don’t have a problem with it were practically in a panic about having to use it because of so much bad press. Now that’s not to say Microsoft didn’t make mistakes. They should have made it easier to use and more organized. Simple stuff like how to log off or shut down should have much more obvious. There should have been some type of help section or videos from day 1. That being said, a lot of the negative feelings about Windows 8 were really blown out of proportion. Heck I could probably convince some people not to switch to Windows 7 if I warned them enough times that something doesn’t work exactly like in XP. Tech is about perception. You can convince yourself that every problem with your PC is a result of upgrading or a change someone made if you already have a negative perception.
Thanks Ray,
I appreciate the comments.
@disqus_aUjJoK3PRk:disqus, you’re dead on with all the above stated points. Fact is, even if Nokia went the Android route before does not mean they’d do any better sales-wise than anyone else has besides Samsung. And let’s not forget that WP8 is doing well in Latin America too, and the Nokia 521 (the lower-end) are taking off in emerging markets (Africa, etc.). My fiancee in Denmark has a Nokia and absolutely loves it, as does all her friends there. That won’t change just because of the Microsoft deal. In fact, word around her part of the world is that NOW Nokia has more money in the war chest to stay alive and matter because of the acquisition.
Here’s the other thing that I’ve read nowhere yet, that perhaps now WPs will get updated as frequently as Windows 8x going forward. After all, the MS WP folks have been dragging along while Nokia has pushed ahead on its end of the bargain. This allows them (the MS team) to merge, consolidate and stream more fluidly than ever before.
@Ammalgam:disqus, dude! Keep the faith. You need more sleep than you’re getting lately with the newborn. LOL!
Dude, I am getting more than enough sleep at this point.
There’s one thing that every “expert” seems to forget when they explain why no one is buying Windows 8 (although I don’t personally call 110+ million users no one) and why it’s a dud. It’s the economy, stupid! Very few people have money to buy non-essentials. Android tablets are selling because they’re relatively cheap compared to desktop and laptop PCs, but as soon as the economy begins to show definite improvement, PCs will outsell tablets. Those PCs will be running Windows 8.
By the way, Stephen Elop will be the CEO, and he will be credited with “turning things around for Microsoft”, even though it will be mostly due to the recovering economy.
I actually think they will make Elop the CEO. I also think that his blind devotion to Windows Phone is the #1 reason that he should not be CEO.
More of the same.
There’s more than just that. There also hasn’t been new gaming consoles in what, sevenish years? I used to upgrade my PC every two years to keep up with PC games and technology. I haven’t had any overwhelming reason to upgrade my PC in perhaps that last 4-5 years. Consoles have been dictating the base for most multi-platform games and new consoles due out this year should spur PC sells next year.
There’s one thing that every “expert” seems to forget when they explain why no one is buying Windows 8 (although I don’t personally call 110+ million users no one) and why it’s a dud. It’s the economy, stupid! Very few people have money to buy non-essentials. Android tablets are selling because they’re relatively cheap compared to desktop and laptop PCs, but as soon as the economy begins to show definite improvement, PCs will outsell tablets. Those PCs will be running Windows 8.
By the way, Stephen Elop will be the CEO, and he will be credited with “turning things around for Microsoft”, even though it will be mostly due to the recovering economy.
I actually think they will make Elop the CEO. I also think that his blind devotion to Windows Phone is the #1 reason that he should not be CEO.
More of the same.
You can’t compare Windows Phone tiles with the Windows 8.1 start screen and people wanting to boot to the desktop on a Windows 8.1 PC. One wouldn’t want to work within the desktop environment on a small Windows touch device either. Desktop computers shouldn’t be used to draw a conclusion to the Windows phone interface as these are not similar devices. Do you then believe they should get rid of tiles. If so, move to what? Rows of icons, tiles with no information? Android and iPhone home screen designs are certainly not brilliant, but the devices are successful. The success of them though is not because the home screens are populated by icons and widgets.
“Desktop computers shouldn’t be used to draw a conclusion to the Windows phone interface as these are not similar devices”
I believe the tile interface makes them very similar. I don’t know what they should move to but I know that 93% of the market knows about the tiles and has chosen something else. That 93% have had years to reconsider.
If I paint tiles on my dog will that make him similar to Windows Phone as well? A silly analogy for a silly argument. I’m sorry, but most people in no way believe that a touch screen tablet or phone is similar to a desktop computer. Tiles are not responsible for slow sales. What’s more likely? I would have already bought a Windows phone, but Google is killing them by not releasing their apps for Windows.
Your dog is not a device.
The creation of an ecosystem involves creating tablets, phones and desktops etc that function in a similar manner and have similar apps and interfaces.
That is clearly what Microsoft is trying to do.
While a Windows phone is not a Windows 8 desktop, there are similar and distinguishing characteristics between the two. The main one is the tiles.
You’re damn right my dog is not a device. Even though I painted colorful squares on him with spray paint and he looks like a bit of a mess now, he is still not a device. Not a Windows desktop nor a Windows phone or any other device that may or may not have squares. Now we do share information with each other, but in no way should we confuse how I interact with my dog versus how I interact my PC versus how I interact with my phone versus how I interact with my Xbox 360. They are all quite different. Oh by the way, that tile interface on the Xbox has been perfectly successful. Reminds me of way back when I painted colorful blades on my dog.
@Ammalgam:disqus, that 93% exists because WP8 was late to the game plus Samsung/Apple’s marketing efforts until now. No way is a new interface going to saturate an already saturated market. Look at Firefox, for instance and their offerings. You think they’ll make a dent anytime soon? WP will continue to get stronger as it has been of late. They don’t need to be the leader to make a difference or be a contender. Especially now that MS will be getting $40 rather than $10 back from Nokia sales directly. That will keep them plugging away for some time to come. Tiles that PUSH data your way on the home screen is a lot more informative than stagnant icons on the other phones of choice, for me. The ecosystem does the rest, eventually. Give it a year and it’ll be a different tune you’ll be singing.
Watch! the App developers are making Windows Phone Apps, My Dad who is an IOS user says that he is seeing more and more companies switching to the Windows Platform for their apps. And in our house 50% of the smartphones are Nokia Windows Phone. I love windows phone and it is definitely more innovative than android who just copied the Gadgets of windows and the Icons of apple and Windows, Seriously apple is more innovative and their losing the user base and Windows Phone is expanding.
That might be true and would be a GREAT thing…
I switched from a Windows 7 phone to Android, BIG reason, lack of Apps that I wanted. Example: Square Register, I understand they will do not plan on every supporting Windows Phone! That sold me or should I say didn’t sell me!
@ronshortt:disqus, a good enough reason for the choice you made. That is what is important here.
Yup. That does make sense.
I would say your analysis is pretty spot on, don’t really see how this benefits either company unless as you say, Microsoft is honest with itself about why most people could care less about Windows phones.
Thanks cellhead.
Appreciate the feedback…
You’re welcome Onuara.
🙂 It’s cool. 10% of people get my name right at all.
Hehe, ok, well my last name is German and about that % spell it right.
Oops, sorry, Onuora.
“Nokia is hardly the sexiest brand of smartphone”. I agree with you. Nokia is an OMP (Old Man’s Phone) and Windows is an OMP (Old Man’s Product). Our parents use it, we adults above 30 use it, but our kids and young adults don’t. Do you know that smell when you go into an old person’s house? Well that is how many people think Nokia smells. Words like boring, conservative, old fashioned unfortanately are often applied to Nokia. Why? I think it is because in today’s culture “appearance is reality” and Nokia appears to be boring and behind the times in the national consciousness. Both Nokia and Microsoft have a history of producing tough, proven, reliable, but bland products that are seldom on the cutting edge. In that sense they are a match made in heaven. But this adds to the idea that Nokia is an OMP. This is hurting Nokia sales because consumers feel or have been trained to think that they have to be blown off their feet with products that set them apart or provide some incredible new experience. Apple has done that, then Samsung, and now Motorolla’s MotoX which caters to people’s desire to be catered to with personalized designs, colors,and looks. DCJason hit on a point when he talked about EMOTION being a part of people’s decision to buy new phones and to stay with their brand. But EMOTION sells while just focusing on upgraded memory and specs do not and Nokia is lacking emotion from people. Unfortunately to appear cool Nokia often just hires cool people to be advertised with their phones but it does not work. Nokia will have to work hard to overthrow that image as an OMP to attract new buyers. They have at least laid the foundation i.e. they are growing, they have a decent app store, and importantly… they have SURVIVED whereas Palm, HP are dead and HTC and Blackberry are on the way out. People are waiting for the smoke to clear to see who is left (appears to be Apple, Android, Nokia). When the smoke clears Nokia will probably get another fresh breath and faith from consumers. But they have to earn it because it won’t come naturally.
What a shortsighted view. To think that it all comes down to an interface and tiles, what a joke. Facts: there is aworld crisis going on, that’s one important reason why w8 sales are slow, and the fact w8 was too early in the product cycle when compared to W7.
Windows has 93% of the Pc market and there is no rush in the adoption of w8, while W8 already has a bigger market share than Apple’s Mac. Windows has dominated the market for more than 20 years and this will remain so, because windows is more than w8 alone. It’s about 1.5 billion windows Pc users, not 110 million.
By acquiring Nokia devices MS has become the second phone vendor in the world behind Samsung. The acquisition wil lead to greater integration (integration of Here technology with Bing world wide) on the product and services side.
Android is not the winner, because Samsung has 95% of all Android profits, Microsoft has 96% of all Android and Chrome related licensing fees and Android has next to nothing because 94% of their profits and revenues come from desktop Search (adds). Apple is losing it’s shine just as fast as their share price dropped and Windows phone is gaining on Iphome in many markets. The WP’s are the only phones growing in double digits, the growth of WP market share is faster than Android and Iphone together. So WP is doing just fine. It’s not about predictions, it’s about long term strategies to develop great and integrated products and thus become dominant.
It’s not a question of people don’t wanting to buy their phones since WP is growing faster than android and Iphones. We tend to forget that Nokia was the dominant mobile vendor without a presence in the US. Google has yet to earn one buck from Android. As soon as the economies start growing again windows and WP will take off. The only way android grewvwas by giving android away for free and selling real cheap phones. Considering the fact that vendors must pay MM licensing fees for WP OS, it’s great to see WP gaining market sharevwhile most Android vendors are losing money. Yes, only Samsung is profitable with Android all other Android vendors are losing money (Sony, LG, HTC, Acer etc). Android might be dominant but on most fronts (profits and revenues), android is losing big. The acquisition of Moto by Google was anothervbig mistake. At 12 Billion, including restructuring costs and almost 2 billion loss since the Google acquisition, Google will still incurr a loss of two billion at least if Moto we’re to earn 250 million a year for the coming 40 years. That’s what I would call a failure.
To sum it up, while Android might dominate the global market in sales, on every other important metrics Google and Android are losing. These metrics are profits from sales, reveneu and profits from licensing Android. Google and Android has lost on the metrics where it really matters and literally counts. MS is at least expecting to increase their profits from smart phones, Google has still not being able to achieve this.
I think you are full of it. If you really used a Nokia 925 like I have you would realize how great they are. The big criticism of Windows Phones seems to be number of Apps. Who cares as long as the ones they have are the ones you use. In time, they will have all of the important ones. I’m a happy camper with my phone. It is fully integrated with my desktop and cloud. It’s fast and fluid and the camera blows the IPhone away.
Thanks for the comment. Good to know…
Well, this article is enough for me. Unsubscribing after this post. You are part of the problem with “bad press” .
Like I said in a previous post, go play with Apple or Google. I’ve had Android phones and every one of them were problem devices in so many ways. I’ll stick with my 8.1 on PC, tablets and laptops, W8 phone and you can continue to write this crap without it coming across my email.
Most Analyst and Experts Report anonymously that they feel the same way you do. But that’s what sells and it’s all about money.
Hey I think Android is awful too. I had an HTC Evo at one point and it was horrible.
Thanks for the comment and good luck to ya..
Yes, yes, yes, we get that you don’t like Nokia (never have, never will). Your reviews of their phones have never been positive. When Windows Phone 8 came out, you stated you preferred the HTC over Nokia (boy, I’m glad I didn’t listen to you!). We’ve hear this before from you and so if anyone has read your posts before, we all expected a negative, bias personal slant rather than a well written article which presents the unbiased facts (not using some lame excuse like Tiles are the reason for lackluster sales) Nokia sales in the US is one fact. Nokia sales in the world are another.
And speaking of past articles, back in August, you wrote about how Microsoft should buy Blackberry. Even in the article you poo-pooed the alliance between Microsoft and Nokia. You gave us a bitter personal opinion of why Nokia was bad but Blackberry was SO good for Microsoft. Boy, I’m glad Microsoft didn’t listen to you!.
And like your other negative articles, you never provide two sides and let your readers come to their own conclusion. When you were asked why you didn’t get facts from the other side, you said you couldn’t get anyone from Microsoft to answer you. Hmm, I wonder why…..
You also have composed a title that reads like you are giving us facts. The “Real Reason……” like you work for Microsoft and attended their last a board meeting. Take some of your ego out and write a FAIR article without your personal bias. Or better yet, let the topic be written by some of the other even-balanced contributors.
I, like Thomas (read below) unsubscribed to this site many months ago because of your negative opinion. Thomas said it correctly that you are part of the problem of the ‘bad press’. The name and the design of the site has changed so dramatically……it now is all about ads rather than content.
Yes, yes, yes, we get that you don’t like Nokia (never have, never will). Your reviews of their phones have never been positive. When Windows Phone 8 came out, you stated you preferred the HTC over Nokia (boy, I’m glad I didn’t listen to you!). We’ve hear this before from you and so if anyone has read your posts before, we all expected a negative, bias personal slant rather than a well written article which presents the unbiased facts (not using some lame excuse like Tiles are the reason for lackluster sales) Nokia sales in the US is one fact. Nokia sales in the world are another.
And speaking of past articles, back in August, you wrote about how Microsoft should buy Blackberry. Even in the article you poo-pooed the alliance between Microsoft and Nokia. You gave us a bitter personal opinion of why Nokia was bad but Blackberry was SO good for Microsoft. Boy, I’m glad Microsoft didn’t listen to you!.
And like your other negative articles, you never provide two sides and let your readers come to their own conclusion. When you were asked why you didn’t get facts from the other side, you said you couldn’t get anyone from Microsoft to answer you. Hmm, I wonder why…..
You also have composed a title that reads like you are giving us facts. The “Real Reason……” like you work for Microsoft and attended their last a board meeting. Take some of your ego out and write a FAIR article without your personal bias. Or better yet, let the topic be written by some of the other even-balanced contributors.
I, like Thomas (read below) unsubscribed to this site many months ago because of your negative opinion. Thomas said it correctly that you are part of the problem of the ‘bad press’. The name and the design of the site has changed so dramatically……it now is all about ads rather than content.
which cam first, people hating Microsoft or metro? metro has little or nothing to do with it. When computers first came into the home you had a bunch of people running computers that where not train to handle their complex, unreliable but expensive systems. This lead to many frustrated people that blamed Microsoft for their inability to be an IT pro. Now the systems are cheap (under $200 for a android table) and simple (one piece, no cords to plug in) and still unreliable and unmanageable but people think they are wroth it. People where just looking for anything from Microsoft that they could understand to point at and bitch. Metro has square corner, oh I hate that!
Pardon me for being so blunt, but I find this the most crappy article I have read in a long time. Well I guess that is my opinion. I have used Android, iOS and Windows Phone and to be honest I Love Windows Phone the best. The UI especially. All the OS’s have their Plus and Minus points, but I find WP most lovely to use. Yes there are many fall-back’s in WP, but none of the OS’s are perfect and Windows Phone has surely done well with Nokia. They have built some brilliant phones running WP and they bring out the best of WP. Windows Phone is growing very fast and so is the app ecosystem. Keep moving forward Nokia and Microsoft.
Thanks for the comment!
Thanks for the reply 🙂
“I believe that Microsoft have given up on building an iPhone or Android killer” I hope so, I am happy to be away from those 2 and their fanboyism driven designs.