The updated PC Health Check app shows up for testing

August 28, 2021

Microsoft dropped some bombshells when it pushed out a new Windows 11 preview build and followed it up by updating the list of supported CPUs with a bunch of older processors.

By the same flip of the coin, the firm also updated its PC Health Check app.

Yes, the one that was unceremoniously taken down.

When Redmond first announced Windows 11, it directed users to download this little utility to see if their system would be able to run the new operating system. For a lot of users, the answer turned out to be no due to the extreme hardware requirements in place for the upcoming OS.

But what caused the ruckus was that the answer was far from helpful — the app did not tell users why their computer will not be able to run Windows 11.

Microsoft quickly took the tool down, promising an improved version down the road.

And here we are, down the road, with the software titan having released this new iteration of the now infamous PC Health Check app for Insiders to download. It will be made available for everyone in the coming weeks after testing.

PC Health Check App Result

But as the screenshot above shows, the eligibility check functionality in the app now includes improved messaging on the hardware requirements as well as links to relevant support articles that guide users to potential remediation steps.

Microsoft also thanked Windows Insiders for providing feedback helpful in gaining insights into user hardware and helping refresh the program.

The reinstated tool can be downloaded by Insiders below.

Download: PC Health Check

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Apps · Featured · Insiders · Software · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.