Told you so – Bill Gates has no plans to return to Microsoft

December 19, 2011

Here was my take:

I personally think that it’s a bunch of crap. Bill is still the richest guy in the world and is working on more serious issues. After watching people in the third world die of Malaria and hunger etc, it’s my guess that he has a slightly different opinion about what’s really important. I think that Bill Gates would be like stupid to come back and take the helm. There is literally no upside to it. Here’s literally what would happen. He would come back and the markets would go crazy and it would be great……until it wasn’t. He would make some mistake that people would take as a sign that he was too old or he “doesn’t get it”. Then we would be writing crap about him as he faced the REAL problems that Microsoft are facing today. What’s the upside? Besides, he has all the benefits of the position without the baggage today. Does anyone think that if Bill Gates really felt passionate about a direction that Microsoft was going in he couldn’t make one phone call and make his vision happen?
And now, here’s what Bill had to say.
This month Fortune reported rumours that Gates was considering a comeback to Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975 but stepped back from in 2006 to focus full-time on philanthropy. But speaking in Sydney today, where he is on holiday with his family, Gates said he had made the transition to work full-time at his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “and that will be what I do the rest of my life”. “I’m part-time involved with Microsoft, including even being in touch this week to give some of my advice but that’s not going to change – the foundation requires all of my energy and we feel we’re having a great impact.” Source
Glad to know that some things in life still make sense.]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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