Twin builds land in the Beta channel to fix a ton of issues

August 10, 2022

The twins are in the house! In addition to the Dev channel build that Microsoft released today, the company has also released a pair of Beta channel builds.

This is part of the company’s initiative to split the Beta channel into two—one bucket gets new features turned on by default, while users in the other bucket may find that new features are not showing up.

In this case, we have Build 22621.575 in the former camp and Build 22622.575 in the latter.

As Microsoft notes, the first build improves File Explorer and includes many fixes. The second build, on the other hand, doesn’t have any new features but still includes a range of welcome fixes.

If you’re lucky enough to have new features rolled out after installing build 22622.575, there is one notable improvement. In File Explorer, middle-clicking a folder with your mouse will open it in a new tab.

Very much like clicking a folder in the body of File Explorer already does.

Build 22622.575 also gets a list of fixes, with Microsoft taking care of an issue when launching File Explorer in dark mode ended up in light mode. There were also problems with the left/right arrows launching in light mode and problems with using F11 to expand File Explorer in full-screen mode.

The company has also fixed some drag-and-drop and divider overlapping issues in the navigation pane. A translation error with the right-click context menu is also now history.

You can check the blog post above for the full list of fixes.

Speaking of, both flavors of this new Beta channel build received some fixes, with the ones just for build 22622.575 above. These include a fix for a crashing Photos app in Beta channel builds for Windows 11, which is now rolling out via the Microsoft Store.

Another interesting issue that has been fixed is one that prevented you from opening a URL of more than 2084 characters. This update now supports a URL of up to 8192 characters.

If you are on the Beta channel, get to downloading!

Article Categories:
Builds · Featured · Fixes · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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