Watch A New Video Going Over The Top 5 Best Free Games For The Surface 2

January 16, 2014

Gaming has always been a forte of the Windows platform, there was (and really is) no other operating system that does it better. Mobile gaming on the other hand, like many things mobile, is a totally different ball game.

The Windows Store is slowly catching up in this department, with unique new game and perfectly optimized ports of already available games finding their way to the apps repository.

In fact, gaming has and will always remain one of the most popular categories here, or in any other ecosystem. The universal appeal of games, casual and core, is hard to deny these days.

Also hard to deny are the graphical capabilities of Microsoft’s second generation Surface tablets. The Surface 2 already handles most mobile gaming titles with ease, and the Surface 2 is not all that far behind. But finding the best games is a bit of a task, considering the myriad of choices.

Dalvin did a Surface 2 recap video a little while back, and now he has gone over some of the best games available for the tablet (and Windows 8 in general) in a new clip.

You can take a look at the video below:

A couple of usual suspects make the cut at the very start, but the remaining selection is actually pretty nice, with some very well made games that are available on the Windows Store. You can check out how they play on the tablet, including gameplay with an Xbox 360 controller.

Fire up the video above, kick back, relax and take a look at what is available.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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