WebView 2 now available for UWP apps

September 16, 2022

It took its sweet time, but WebView 2 is now generally available for developers to use in their apps. They can use this technology to embed web content in their desktop UWP applications.

Microsoft shared the news, revealing that PowerApps is the first WinUI 2 app to have WebView 2 built-in. This project allows customers to build applications for popular platforms and create user interfaces using drag-and-drop elements.

You can learn more about Microsoft PowerApps on its official website.

Getting back to WebView 2, this technology is different from its predecessor in that unlike the original WebView, which was based on EdgeHTML, this one is powered by Chromium. This makes sense because EdgeHTML was the rendering engine that ran things on the original Edge before its engine upgrade.

Replacing the legacy WebView with this Chromium-based variant provides better compatibility, enhances sustainability and support, and adds modern features.

Since WebView 2 is part of both Windows 11 and Windows 10, developers can create lighter apps for their users.

Finally, what’s even better for this new control is that it supports older versions of Windows, allowing developers to reach more users. Redmond confirms that developers can build apps using WebView 2 for Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Developers who want to embed WebView 2 into their WinUI apps can consult the handy Getting Started guide that Microsoft has made available in the official documentation.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.