Widget notifications now available for all users

August 17, 2022

I get a notification! You get a notification! Everybody gets a notification! Widget notifications are a fine addition to the capabilities of the Windows 11 operating system.

And they are now available to all.

Widgets in Windows 11 have been one of the OS’s marquee new features, but many users thought they needed more polish. Microsoft, aware of this, got to work by not only opening them up for third-party developers but also refining the feature itself.

As part of this drive, Redmond has started rolling out an update for the Windows Web Experience Pack, which is what powers Windows Widgets and enables notifications on the taskbar.

Widget Notifications

In this latest update, Windows 11 will show more relevant and live content over on the taskbar.

This means that besides the weather forecast, users will notice information from other widgets, such as sports, finance, and breaking news.

The taskbar will continue displaying weather most of the time but will show data from other widgets when something important happens. If the user does not interact with these new notifications, the taskbar will return to displaying the good old weather forecast.

Redmond clearly states that this updated version of the Windows Web Experience Pack will take a few days or even weeks to arrive on all supported devices. It is, after all, part of the company’s strategy to roll out new features gradually rather than bringing them to all users at once.

If you are new to Windows 11, learn about what the widgets actually are here.

Or watch a video that shows them in action.

Microsoft also explains them in the official documentation.

Article Categories:
Featured · Features · Rollout · Widgets · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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