Windows 10 20H2 now powering almost 30% of PCs

March 29, 2021
Laptop Users

Bang on time, AdDuplex is here with its latest monthly report on Windows 10 version usage. This newest data refers to the month of March, and is based on intel collected from 5,000 Microsoft Store apps.

These are using the AdDuplex SDK v.2 and higher.

Around 80,000 PCs were surveyed with data gathered throughout March 26.

And it looks like the rollout of the most recent release of Windows 10 has sped up significantly in the past month. Version 20H2 is now on 29.9% of the PCs, and this is a figure that is up from 20% in February.

This makes it the second most used variant of the OS according to the report. It was only last month that the rollout was lagging behind that of version 1909 a year ago, but this month this has been reversed.

AdDuplex March 2021

Despite the growth for version 20H2, the prior release version 2004 has not seen any drops. If anything, it has slightly grown. This month it is reported to be on 42.1% of Windows 10 PCs, slightly higher than the 41.8% it had in its column in February.

The November 2019 Update, or version 1909, seems to have had the biggest drop. It was on 26.8% of PCs last month, and is now just on 18.4%.

AdDuplex March 2021

Looking at the history chart, things are progressing similarly to what we saw with version 1909, though slower than version 2004.

The again, this makes sense, as both version 1909 and 20H2 are more focused on fixes and minor improvements. That could explain the slower adoption rate compared to updates that bring along new features and big changes.

Speaking of which, Redmond is currently in the process of testing Windows 10 version 21H1, the next version of the operating system set to be released later this spring. 21H1 will be another minor update with a few improvements here and there.

Expect a similar trajectory for it, too.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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