Windows 10 Build 20221 Lets You Meet Now

September 23, 2020
Windows 10 Wallpaper Lines

Another glorious Wednesday, another glorious Windows 10 preview. Build 20221 is in the house, and it comes packing one neat new feature in the form of Meet Now.

This is something that was previously exclusive only to Skype, but this feature is now going to make an appearance in the Taskbar. Its promise is simple — to quickly let you start a meeting with all of your contacts.

As Redmond notes, there is more that is new here, but the main highlight is Meet Now.

Skype Meet Now

The feature made its debut earlier this year, and makes it easy to connect with anyone in as little as two clicks for free, with each call being able to last for up to 24 hours. No signups or downloads are needed for this functionality, either.

You can easily set up a video call and reach friends and family in an instant by clicking on the Meet Now icon in the notification area of the system tray in the Taskbar.

Creating or joining a meeting could not be simpler.

This feature is currently rolling out to a subset of Insiders right now in the Dev channel at first so that Microsoft can identify performance and reliability issues. Once everything is rosy, it will be made available to everyone in the Dev channel.

Your Phone Pin

As for the other new addition, we have a new pinning feature for notifications in Your Phone, but that is an app update, not exclusive to this build.

Speaking of this build, you can grab it from Windows Update as usual.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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